I’m a flight attendant — here are my biggest pet peeves about you

The sky is the limit when it comes to flight attendants’ pet peeves. 

Natalie Magee, 42, shared her list of annoying airplane habits from bad bathroom etiquette to clipping toenails on board that bugs “every” flight attendant. 

Magee, from Colorado, has been working as a flight attendant for several years and shares videos on her TikTok about her experiences that have garnered thousands of views. 

“There are so many [pet peeves]!,” Natalie told NeedToKnow.

“[Such as] when people don’t shut the bathroom door or leave the bathroom a mess,” she said. 

And if you thought flight attendants weren’t paying attention to whether or not you wash your hands, you’re wrong. 

“Also, when you can hear it flush but not the sink, so you know they didn’t wash their hands,” she said.

A flight attendant is revealing the ways passengers can be annoying and worse.
NY Post illustration
Nicole Magee told her TikTok followers what she and her fellow flight attendants hate about passengers the most.
Jam Press/@yogimagee

A big pet peeve is also people stashing small items overhead.

“And people who take up too much overhead bin space and want to put every jacket and small item in there,” she said as she continued to air her grievances. 

She also said she hates when people vape on board or use the call button to order a drink from her as though she were a cocktail waitress.

She hates it when people ring the call button so they can order an alcoholic beverage.
Jam Press Vid/@yogimagee

“[Another pet peeve is] people who hit their call buttons right after takeoff to ask for an alcoholic beverage,” she lamented. 

Unruly passengers come in all forms, she explained, including kids whose parents have let them loose on board.

“I’m also a parent myself, but when people let their kids put stickers on the airplane or draw on it or leave a dirty diaper in the seat back pocket, I’m horrified.”

She also said some parents have the audacity to change their babies’ diapers on the tray table.

Magee said parents need to stay with their kids on board instead of letting them run loose.
Jam Press/@yogimagee

Magee said another big airplane no-no is passengers who listen to music or a movie or show without headphones. 

“They expect everyone to be subjected to their music or what they’re watching,” she said. 

She continued to list more grievances.

“Also people who wear backpacks and hit other passengers with it going down the aisle. Not throwing away their trash when we come through and leaving it on the floor,” she said.

Magee is from Colorado and has worked as a flight attendant for several years.
Jam Press/@yogimagee

“I also get annoyed when people are talking on the phone after we close the main cabin door and won’t shut their phone off or cease their conversation after repeatedly being asked to do so,” she added. 

Walking to the plane toilet barefoot, people clipping their toenails and leaving sick bags on the seat are a few more of her least favorite things.

Even though she deals with difficult people and situations on board the plane frequently, Magee said she loves her job and shared how people could make her day should they encounter her in the future. 

“Honestly, when people say ‘thank you’ when they are getting off the plane [it is really great],” she said. 

She said a simple smile and a “thank you” can make her day while she’s working.
Jam Press Vid/@yogimagee

“Or when they take the time to look at us when we are doing the beverage service and say please and thank you, we really appreciate it,” she explained. 

She also expressed her gratitude for people who help moms and elderly people with their bags.

While the airplane is just a method of transportation for the people on board, Magee explained that she and other flight attendants view it as a home. 

Commenters on her videos were appalled by some passengers’ behaviors.
Jam Press/@yogimagee

“We would love it if people treated the space as their home and were tidy and respectful,” she said. 

Her biggest tip: Be a good person. 

“Also, we know not everyone is traveling for a fun reason. Some people have funerals to attend or going home to take care of a loved one and people are stressed,” she said.

“A little kindness goes a long way,” she added.

Magee still loves her job and said it’s the passengers who can make or break her day.
Jam Press/@yogimagee

Commenters on Magee’s videos supported her for speaking out and said some passengers are just plane rude.

“People scrape and clip the feet on a PLANE?!” wrote one disgusted commenter.

“Makes you wonder what some people’s houses look like!” said another.

A fellow flight attendant commiserated with her.
Jam Press/@yogimagee

“As a flight attendant, I agree with all of this!” wrote a third.

Magee is one of several flight attendants who have taken to TikTok to share their experiences and tips. 

Over the summer, a flight attendant named Leysha Perez shared the five things people shouldn’t do before getting on board a plane including scuba diving or booking tickets from a third party.

She also said people should avoid eating preservative-paced airplane food too often.