I was watching ‘Magic Mike’ on a plane — another passenger handed me a note

Stripped of her sin?

A traveler who detailed an awkward encounter on an airplane said she was completely shocked when she received a note from a fellow passenger.

An Australian named Jess told Kidspot that her uncomfortable experience began while she was watching “Magic Mike’s Last Dance” on her flight from Bali to Australia.

“I just kept thinking, ‘Why me? It HAD to be me,’” Jess said.

As she got settled in her seat, she decided to watch the risqué film, but she first scoped out the area beforehand to ensure no children were around.

In the clear, she started to watch the film, which got progressively more provocative and alluring with each scene.

However, her viewing session grabbed the attention of a passenger sitting next to her.

The Australian traveler was watching “Magic Mike’s Last Dance” on the long flight. ©Warner Bros/Courtesy Everett Collection

At first, she thought the extra set of eyes on her airplane television screen was because of her impeccable taste in movies and the lead actor in the film Channing Tatum, but it was actually a look of disapproval.

“She tapped me on the shoulder and gave me a piece of paper,” Jess said.

“I accepted it without even glancing down to see what was written.”

“When I’d taken a quick look, the shock hit me and I went silent,” she confessed.

Jess was appalled when she received a note from a passenger telling her to ask for Lord Jesus’ forgiveness. Supplied / kidspot.com.au

Eager to read the entire message, she went to the bathroom and unfolded the note, which read:

“If you want to accept His offer you may pray this prayer…. Dear Lord Jesus, I realize I am a sinner and I believe you bled and died to pay the price for my sin. I believe that you rose from the dead and you live forevermore. Please forgive me and come into my heart and save my soul. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

“Dear Friend, if you would like:

  • To study the Bible
  •  Someone to pray for you
  •  Help with a personal problem
  •  Someone to visit you
  •  To join a youth group
  •  A Bible

“Please do not hesitate to let me know,” the note concluded.

Jess realized the woman was calling her out for watching “Magic Mike,” which is filled with lust, nudity and sex.

“Up until that moment, we’d had very little interactions, so it really caught me by surprise,” she added.

The film, which is rated R, features several sensual scenes. ©Warner Bros/Courtesy Everett Collection

But the “Magic Mike” fan did not let the religious woman’s judgment stop her from finishing the film.

“It definitely did not get through to me,” she shared.

“I’m not hugely religious. I grew up Catholic but as an adult, my views have changed.”

The religious woman tried to convince Jess to refrain from her sinful behavior, but it didn’t work. ©Warner Bros/Courtesy Everett Collection

However, the passenger was determined to have Jess view things differently, so hours later, she started up a conversation about faith and mortality.

“I sat there in disbelief. We had a way to go and it was already very late in the day. It was the last thing I wanted to be hearing,” she said.

“I think in any other circumstance, I might have been up for the debate, but all I wanted to do was relax and get home.”

Jess said she respectfully listened to the woman’s lecture about the “evils of Satan” and why she “needed the guidance of God” before putting her headphones back on and ignoring her the rest of the flight.

“It’s part of the in-flight entertainment for a reason!” she chuckled.

“In fact, should they make a fourth ‘Magic Mike,’ I’ll be sure to watch it on my next trip.”