Your cologne is destroying your love life — a fragrance expert reveals how to reverse the bad stench

Love stinks.

Our sense of smell has been proven to be an important but subconscious tool in the connections we make — and don’t make.

“Certain scents can stir up emotions and memories, creating that special spark between two people,” Jacqui Rubinoff, co-owner and vice president of Eye of Love Pheromone Perfumes, told The Post, calling one’s sense of smell “a major player in the game of love.”

However, it can also work in reverse.

“Just as certain fragrances can turn up the heat, others can be a total turn-off,” Rubinoff explained.

Scents influence everything from the first impression we give off to how and when people think of us after we’ve wafted out of the room, as it gives people insights into our hygiene and energy.

Who hasn’t felt their stomach flip as they catch a whiff of their crush walking by or snuggled up with their partner’s sweatshirt?

Alternatively, our aversion to stench is primal as “bad” smells alert us to something rotten — including a love mismatch.

Certain aromas trigger the limbic system, including the amygdala and the hippocampus, the regions related to emotion and memory.

Beautiful couple in love flirting in cafe and bonding
“Our sense of smell is a major player in the game of love,” Jacqui Rubinoff, co-owner and Vice President of Eye of Love Pheromone Perfumes, told The Post. “Certain scents can stir up emotions and memories, creating that special spark between two people.”


So if we smell something we enjoy, our body produces hormones and chemicals telling us to rest and relax or be happy — and don’t we all want our partners to feel comfortable and happy around us?

Fragrance sales are indeed booming — LVMH property Sephora boasted a 7% increase in cosmetics and especially scents in first-quarter results — so a pleasant-smelling partner can be an attribute.

A negative reaction, though, is another story.

Luckily, there is a plethora of products from deodorants to pheromone perfumes that can help you mask unpleasant scents — and possibly revive your love life.

“Your choice of fragrance speaks volumes about who you are and what you seek in a partner,” relationship coach Katie Flowers told The Post.

“It’s a silent communicator that can ignite sparks of attraction or douse the flames of potential romance.”

Our aversion to stench is primal as “bad” smells alert us to something rotten.
Our aversion to stench is primal as “bad” smells alert us to something rotten. Roman –

To help smelly singles, Flowers shared her top five tips to help you choose the right fragrance

  1. Choose fresh notes: Opt for fragrances with fresh or citrusy notes like lemon, lime or bergamot, which can have a refreshing and uplifting effect. These scents are often perceived as energetic and optimistic, making them ideal for creating a positive impression on a date.
  2. Avoid heavy, overpowering scents: Fragrances with heavy, overpowering notes — such as musk, patchouli or vanilla — may be a preference for some individuals, but they can also be overwhelming or even off-putting to others. Choosing light, elegant fragrances that gently unfold on the skin and leave a pleasant impression is best.
  3. Consider personal preferences: Every person has their own unique set of likes regarding fragrances. Please talk with your partner about their favorite scents and try to understand what they enjoy. When selecting perfumes for dates, opt for scents that align with their preferences and personality.
  4. Limit the number of fragrances: Less is more when wearing perfumes on dates. Try not to overdo it with the amount of fragrance you apply to avoid it becoming overpowering or unpleasant. A light application of perfume on pulse points, such as the wrists, neck or décolletage, will provide a pleasant scent that is noticeable but not overwhelming.
  5. Trust your instincts: Most importantly, trust your instincts and feel comfortable in your choice of fragrance. If you enjoy the scent and it reflects your personality, it’s likely to be attractive to others. Be bold and experiment with different fragrances once you find the one that makes you feel confident and alluring.