Women who cant take compliments struggle with weight loss

She’s giving the skinny on why a specific type of woman struggles to cut the fat for good.

When it comes to getting fit and staying trim, a weight-loss coach — who claims to have helped 10,000 people scrap their unwanted bulges — says there’s a stark contrast between the wiring of the brain of a gal who enjoys lasting results and the noggin of a lady who regains her pounds at record speed.

“There is one thing that separates women who successfully lose weight and keep it off and the ones that don’t,” said health guru Aesha Karunakaran, from Beverly Hills, California, in a trending TikTok eye-opener titled “The #1 Reason Losing Weight is Hard for You.”

“The ones that can, can take a compliment, and they accept compliments,” she revealed. “The ones that really struggle with weight loss are women that cannot take a compliment.”

Karunakaran, who recently went viral for sharing her five-ingredient cookie dough recipe that she claims “works like the natural version of Ozempic,” went on to explain how a few kind words can lead to achieving the body of one’s dreams. 

“When you’re able to accept compliments about yourself, you believe good things about yourself — and you don’t self-sabotage,” she explained.

On TikTok, Karunakaran explained why women who can take compliments find it hard to lose weight and keep it off for good.
Beverly Hills weight-loss coach Aesha Karunakaran is trending on TikTok thanks to a video in which she explains why some women struggle to keep the pounds off.

In a viral TikTok post, Karunakaran claimed her cookie dough can help dieters drop excess pounds.
Karunakaran recently went viral on TikTok for claiming her five-ingredient cookie recipe supports weight loss as effectively as the trendy Ozempic diabetes drug.

But to those who regularly reject commendations, Karunakaran warned that the constant negativity serves as a mental roadblock that hinders long-term weight-loss victory. 

“Your mindset will always look at yourself as a flawed person, and you will never really, truly believe that you deserve to lose weight,” she said, “and to have that transformational life, unless you believe that you’re worthy of that transformation.”

And, per recent research from the Cleveland Clinic, Karunakaran’s tips are on point. 

Karunakaran says women who refuse to accept compliments often struggle to maintain a weight loss.
Karunakaran advised women, who are hoping for long-term weight-loss success, to retrain their brains with positive self-talk and love.

In a December 2021 report, bariatric behavioral health expert Leslie Heinberg said, “When we tie our self-worth so directly to our food choices and combine that with a restrictive diet, we’re setting ourselves up to fail and feel guilty, which in turn produces overeating behaviors and then more guilt.”

Heinberg added, “Write down positive changes that you’re making each day (like drinking more water or taking walks) in a journal, and stop using the words ‘good’ and ‘bad’ to describe your food choices — and yourself.”

And in 2022, body-positivity influencer Rachel Williams, 42, told The Post that she had dropped and maintained a 100-pound weight loss by resetting her brain for success and “thinking thin thoughts.”

On TikTok, Karunakaran touted similar advice to self-deprecating dieters. 

“Start complimenting yourself,” she encouraged. “When people compliment you, accept it very graciously.”

Karunakaran continued, “Start counting your wins, because when you rewire your brain to start thinking about all the things that you do right, you’ll start doing more things that are right.” 

And she implored the chronic critics not to waste another second of their weight-loss journeys complaining. 

“You can start doing this right now,” she urged. “Start retraining your brain to believing that you are worthy of your transformation.”

“Unless you believe that you are worthy,” said Karunakaran, “you won’t be.”