Woman announces pregnancy during pal’s bachelorette party

Would you be upset if your friend announced she was pregnant during your bachelorette party?

A woman has TikTok divided over whether she stole the bride-to-be’s thunder by shockingly revealing her pregnancy in a video with a whopping 9 million views.

Bride Katie Jo and her bridesmaids were in the middle of making a fun video where each woman approached the camera and said where they got their outfit and accessories from.

Set on the beach, every gal was following the rules until the woman before the bride explained her outfit, adding “And baby bump from Riley,” presumably talking about her partner.

She then placed her hand on her stomach and glanced back at the bride for a reaction.

Katie Jo was clearly confused by her friend’s announcement as one of the other ladies off-camera shouted, “I didn’t know that was going to happen.”

TikTok divided on if bridesmaid revealing she's pregnant during her friend's bachelorette party stole bride's shine
“And baby bump from Riley,” the friend revealed, shocking the entire group.

She attempts to talk about her own white dress, but looks back at her friend and asks, “Wait…what?”

“I’m two-months pregnant,” her friend confirmed.

Katie Jo’s jaw drops, and the two embrace for an excited hug.

“The best gift. Can’t wait to watch you be the best parents. ILY,” the bride captioned the now-viral video.

TikTok divided on if bridesmaid revealing she's pregnant during her friend's bachelorette party stole bride's shine
The bride was taken off guard by her friend’s announcement.

“I love you bestie. You’re gonna be the best mama,” Katie Jo wrote in the text placed on top of the scene.

The controversial clip has been viewed more than 9 million times — and sparked plenty of discussion on whether or not the friend stole Katie Jo’s shine.

“She could have been like ‘I got it wrong, lemme go again’. Let the bachelorette party be about the bride,” one commenter criticized the friend.

“Definition of ‘how can I make this about me,’ ” another bashed her, too.

“ ‘How can I surprise my best friend with the most amazing news ever’ **,” the bride corrected the Debbie Downer.

“Anyone seen that episode from friends… between Rachel & Monica? About the thunder stealing… you know? #iykyk,” one user compared the TikTok to the 2000’s sitcom.

But others thought the haters were overreacting.

TikTok divided on if bridesmaid revealing she's pregnant during her friend's bachelorette party stole bride's shine
Ultimately, Katie Jo (right) was overjoyed for her friend.

“I think most peoples comments says more about themselves lol I’d be thrilled if my bestie did this,” one sided with the friend.

“The comments here. It’s not like she did it at the actual wedding. This is a tik tok it’s not that serious,” another pointed out.

“These comments aren’t it! This is precious and the bride obviously looks excited! Congrats to you both!” a viewer commented on the happy occasions the friends were celebrating.

“My sister told me she was pregnant right after wedding dress shopping and it was the best day of my life,” another doubled down. “Good news is good news.”