Woman ‘allergic’ to boyfriend, trolls claim he’s cheating

It’s the law of reaction.

A Massachusetts gal claims she’s allergic to her boyfriend because she breaks out in rashes whenever they’re together — however, trolls claim it’s a sign of infidelity.

A video describing her alleged literal red flag is currently going viral on social media.

“There’s something on him that makes me have this reaction,” Virginia Nault, 22, told Kennedy News while describing her alleged beau-induced breakouts.

The itchy ordeal reportedly began in December 2022 after the Boston native had reportedly started dating a guy named Steve Johnson whom she’d met on Bumble.

Everything was going swimmingly until Nault started noticing that she’d break out every time the two would go on a date.

“It started with my eyes getting super itchy and watery,” explained the Bostonian, who initially chalked up her symptoms to a “seasonal allergy.” She notably had eczema and other skin conditions in the past.

Virginia Nault, 22.
“We noticed that after I spent a few days at his apartment I would get a really bad rash the week after and feel pretty miserable for a few days after,” said Virginia Nault, 22.
Kennedy News/@virginiaisforlovers00

Nault continued to spend weekends with Steve, not realizing that she would break out after only one night at his flat in Boston.

It wasn’t until six months later in April that Nault put “two and two together” and it dawned on her that there was a “correlation” between the blotches and her boyfriend.

“We noticed that after I spent a few days at his apartment I would get a really bad rash the week after and feel pretty miserable for a few days after,” she explained.

In fact, the embattled gal noticed that her skin would improve midweek, only for symptoms to flare up following a weekend with Johnson.

At that moment, Nault deduced that she was suffering from a severe boyfriend allergy.

“I am allergic to him,” declared the bewildered sufferer, who attributed her hives to “something in the air at his apartment, a body product or something he’s using.”

Nault in non-rash mode.
Nault reportedly met her boyfriend Steve Johnson on Bumble.
Kennedy News/@virginiaisforlovers00

In order to test her theory, Nault’s concerned BF reportedly changed switched laundry detergents, toiletries and cologne, but was left stumped as his paramour’s symptoms continued to persist.

“He’s been so patient and so supportive with everything, and he’s just as frustrated as I am,” gushed Nault while describing her BF’s commitment.

Despite visiting a dermatologist, two allergists and an ophthalmologist in May, Nault was still left scratching her head over the cause of her hives.

In the interim, her alleged soulmate-sparked symptoms continued to snowball. At one point, Nault claimed that she suffered such a bad reaction that she ended up in the emergency room and had to be put on antihistamines and steroids.

Nault with her boyfriend Steve Johnson.
Nault and boyfriend Steve Johnson.
Kennedy News/@virginiaisforlovers00

Online gawkers had a more sinister theory as to the cause of her condition: Like with birds flying inland ahead of a typhoon, social media believed that the rashes were the sign that her beau was cheating on her.

“Babe, maybe it’s a sign,” warned one social media commenter, while another declared, “Your body won’t lie to you girl, I’m sorry.”

“Okay, learn the hard way sis,” wrote a third.

Nault doesn’t put much stock in this gossip.

“When people say my boyfriend is cheating, it’s one of those things where you have to laugh,” she scoffed “At the end of the day they don’t know me and they don’t know him and they don’t know our relationship.”

The unconcerned woman added, “If he was cheating, with the time I was spending over there, I think I would have found out. I don’t give it much thought.

“It’s stressful, but on the other hand you have to laugh a little bit because it’s so ridiculous,” said Nault while describing her condition.
Kennedy News/@virginiaisforlovers00

Although the rash may not be a sign of infidelity, Nault says that it has nonetheless “put a bit of a strain on our relationship because of the frustration.”

“I stopped going over to his apartment because we didn’t know if it was something there,” she lamented. “We’re more so having to plan to go out for dinner together, or go to the cinema, so it’s not as relaxed.”

Fortunately, Naults says she and Johnson have learned to see the funny side of her condition, explaining: “But on the other hand, you have to laugh. If you get bogged down in the stress and frustration and everything, it’s just miserable. So you have to laugh a little bit.”

Nault and Johnson with puppies.
Nault and Johnson have yet to get to the root of the rash.
Kennedy News/@virginiaisforlovers00

The couple is determined to get to the bottom of it and Nault is currently awaiting the results of two tests which she hopes will clear up the matter.

“The one [test] I’m getting this week is an environmental test and the one I’m getting next week is a products and ingredients test,” she said. “At this point, it has to be something. We’ve narrowed it down a little bit — we know it’s not his shampoo, detergent or conditioner.”

Nault added, “I have hope we’re going to find something and try to get a plan [moving] forward to mitigate my symptoms.”

Interestingly, although rare, people can be allergic to each other — and not just in the figurative sense.

“It definitely has put a bit of a strain on our relationship because of the frustration,” said Nault.
Kennedy News/@virginiaisforlovers00

In 2017, a Minnesota woman revealed she suffered from Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, which made her allergic to just about everything, including her husband’s scent.

In 2022, a Colorado college student collapsed the gap between pleasure and pain after suffering a severe reaction every time she had sex.