Woman accosted by ‘dirty and smelly’ feet on a flight

Another day another pedi crime in the sky. This time, a passenger raised a stink after her neighbor rested his smelly trotters on her armrest during a Southeast Asian flight, as seen in a video going viral online.

“His feet were smelly and dirty,” poor fly-giene victim Pornpreeya Keng, 27, told Jam Press of the malodorous incident, which occurred September 7 while she was aboard a budget airline flying from Bangkok, Thailand to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Keng had reportedly just settled into her window seat when she noticed an offensive stench. Hoping to locate the source of the odor, the flyer looked down to see that a man had rested his bare foot on her armrest.

“I tried to shift in my seat to make him aware of my discomfort, but he didn’t notice me,” the perturbed passenger recalled. “I felt uncomfortable, but I did not want to confront him directly, so I took a video of his poor manners.”

Keng reacts to the man resting his smelly feet on her armrest.
“I felt uncomfortable, but I did not want to confront him directly, so I took a video of his poor manners,” said Pornpreeya Keng, 27, while recounting the pedi crime.

After the passenger put his feet down, Keng disinfected the armrest with a wet wipe.

Keng reacts to the inflight foot infraction.
Keng described the man’s feet as “smelly and dirty.”

Accompanying footage shows the man’s trotters resting on the arm of Keng’s seat as she makes faces and squirms about in discomfort. She said the bozo constantly shifted around to get comfortable, which only intensified the smell.

Fed up with the podiatric aroma, the irritated flyer informed the flight attendant, who told the man to put his feet down on her behalf.

Keng subsequently disinfected the armrest with an alcohol wipe and used a menthol nasal inhaler to clear her nostrils of the foot smell.

“Everyone should educate themselves on proper flight etiquette,” she concluded. “If anyone experiences what I did, inform the flight attendant and ask for help.”

Keng inhales nasal spray to rid her nostrils of the scent.
Keng inhales nasal spray to rid her nostrils of the scent.

Keng during less smelly times.

“If anyone experiences what I did, inform the flight attendant and ask for help,” said Keng.

Unfortunately, the friendly skies have become a nightmare at 30,000 “feet” of late.

Past footsie infractions include a man exposing his bare six toes to fellow passengers, a Delta passenger scrolling through movie options with his bare feet, and a woman who used her naked hoofs to draw her window shade.