When is the best time to book holiday travel?

It’s the question that’s vexed many a traveler: When is the best time to book flights for the holidays?

One way to ensure you get the best flight deals is to set airfare alerts for the route you’re looking take, according to The Points Guy Senior Global Features Editor Melanie Lieberman. These alerts notify you when flights for your route drop; plus, they can provide perspective on pricing for that route. 

“We really want to encourage travelers to be proactive, to understand what is normal for their route, what is a good deal and when things are getting really expensive,” Lieberman said. She recommended sites, such as Google Flights and Hopper, to watch for general price trends.

When should I book my flight?

Flight alerts aside, the rule of thumb is to book as soon as possible. Lieberman noted, however, that booking at least 21 days in advance of your departure date can generally help you avoid the highest prices.

While booking for the holidays, something to consider is booking your flight for the holiday itself. Ticket prices are often lower for those flights, and traveling on those dates can make for a less crowded and more leisurely travel experience.

Lieberman cautions against waiting until the last minute to book a flight, as doing so may leave you out of options and having to book a very expensive ticket.