Walmart yanks boots with KKK moniker off its website

Walmart yanked a military hiking boot emblazoned with “KKK” from its online store after complaints from a civil rights group.

The “Harsuny Men’s Tactical Military Hiking Ankle Boot Outdoor Trekking Shoes” bore a red “KKK” logo on the tongue of shoes available in black and tan.

“The item is inconsistent with our values and violates Walmart’s prohibited Product policy,” a spokesman told The Post on Monday.

“We have a process in place designed to prevent third-party sellers from offering inappropriate items on our platform,” the spokesman added. “Still, at times inappropriate items make their way onto our platform. We are reviewing how this happened and will apply what we learn to further improve our rules and processes to prevent the sale of inappropriate merchandise.”

It was not clear how long the $50 boots had been listed before Walmart pulled them from its website Saturday. Walmart did not reveal the name of the company that peddled the boots.

The web listing for the 'KKK' boots.
The boots carrying KKK were listed on by an unidentified third-party seller.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) brought the boots to Walmart’s attention, according to a press release the group issued on Saturday.

“We thank Walmart for dropping an online listing for oddly/poorly named ‘KKK’ boots after we brought this to their attention earlier today,” CAIR said in a statement.

It’s not the first time the largest retailer has come under pressure to remove controversial merchandise with racial undertones.

The exterior of Walmart store.
Walmart yanked the boots from its website explaining that they are “inconsistent with the company’s values.”
Getty Images

In 2020, Walmart agreed to stop selling “All Lives Matter” merchandise indefinitely after it came under fire and on the heels of another kerfluffle over displaying the Mississippi flag in its stores in the Magnolia state. 

The flag had previously included a confederate emblem, which Mississippi lawmakers voted to remove.