Toni Leistner, soccer star, leaves interview to fight fan in stands

Having fans at games isn’t a good thing all the time.

Hamburg defender Toni Leistner left a postgame interview, jumped into the stands and pushed a Dresden fan after his team’s 4-1 loss in the German Cup on Monday. The game featured 10,993 fans, the most since the coronavirus pandemic gripped the world in March.

Leistner was set off after receiving what he told Sky TV were “massive insults” toward his family. After shoving the fan twice, Leitner retreated after other fans began to get involved, the shocking video footage shows.

Objects continued to rain down on him before he broke off the interview. Leistner was born in Dresden and previously played for the team.

Leistner later said on Instagram that insults were “under the belt” against his family, partner and daughter. He apologized and promised never to react the way he did, “regardless what insults are thrown at me.”

Here is another angle:

Dresden said on Twitter: “Toni Leistner is a Dresden boy whose heart is in the right place.”

— With AP