This is the side you should sleep on for optimum health

Sleeping on your left has never been so right.

Waking up on the wrong side of the bed cannot only put you in a bad mood but could also impact your health.

According to herbal nutrition expert Ali Ramadan, not all sleep is equal, and he explains in a TikTok video that there are a number of benefits to slumbering on the left side.

In his video, Ramadan says, “When we sleep on the left side, the stomach and its gastric juices remain lower than the esophagus,” which affects digestion and heartburn.

“It also reduces pressure on the back and is the ideal way for pregnant women to sleep,” Ramadan adds.

The Sleep Foundation concurs, noting that curling left is beneficial for expecting moms because it helps with blood flow between the heart, fetus, uterus and kidneys, while taking pressure off the liver and back.

However, a 2019 review of studies found there wasn’t any difference in the health of pregnant people or their babies based on what side they slept on, suggesting it may be a comfort-based choice.

Woman on side in bed asleep.
The side you sleep on could be affecting your health.
Getty Images

Couple asleep on sides not facing each other.
Although there isn’t any definitive research yet, sleeping on your left may have more health benefits.
Getty Images/iStockphoto

Those who suffer from heartburn or acid reflux may be better off lying left. A study published in the 2022 issue of the American Journal of Gastroenterology found that stomach acid cleared much faster in participants lying on their left side, as opposed to their back or right side.

Healthline noted that some sleep experts think that sleeping on your right side could compress your vena cava, which is the large vein that carries blood to the rest of your body, suggesting that if you suffer from heart issues, you may want to roll over to the left.

“The research shows it is better for digestive health to sleep on the left side, and for those who have heart failure, it is better to sleep on the right side,” Ramadan notes in his TikTok.

Dr. Rachel Salas, an associate professor of neurology at Johns Hopkins Medicine, said sleeping on your back can help reduce back pain and skin conditions like acne — noting you may notice creases on your face when you sleep on your side.

“Over time, that can lead to breakouts or cause chronic changes to the skin,” Salas explained. “If you’re concerned about wrinkles, it’s another reason to sleep on your back.”

While some studies suggest what sleeping position may be better for heart health, there haven’t been any definitive studies to determine the best sleeping position for that organ, with it being somewhat dependent on if an individual suffers from a heart condition. Healthline suggested that overall, getting quality sleep is more important than what position you sleep in.