Survey reveals Scorpios are the most generous vacation spenders

According to new research, Scorpios are the most generous vacation spenders, averaging $2,927 per vacation.

A survey of 2,000 American travelers split by zodiac sign found that Virgos aren’t far behind in terms of spending, with their average vacation budget being $2,913.

Although air signs (Aquarians, Geminis and Libras) claimed to be the most money-conscious on vacation (73%), it was Tauruses who came out with the lowest average at $2,240.

Conducted by OnePoll for CheapCaribbean, the survey found that this summer, a majority of all respondents are looking forward to spending most of their time outside of the house (59%), especially Capricorns (65%) and Pisces (66%).

Fire signs (Aries, Leos and Sagittariuses) are also keen on getting out this summer (57%).

Similarly, 59% are making it a goal to do something fun every week — Cancers, in particular (64%).

Nearly two-thirds of those surveyed also agree that traveling is one of their favorite things to do (64%), with Geminis and Pisces having a particular affinity for seeing new places (68% each).

Of those polled, the average respondent takes two vacations a year, and one in 10 said that vacations are necessary at least every three months.

A tourist opens his wallet
A new study asked about the vacationing habits of respondents with different Zodiac signs.
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The Scorpio symbol is depicted surrounded by swirling lines and circles.
There was a gap of $700 between the spendiest Zodiac sign (Scorpio) and the most frugal (Taurus) when respondents were asked what they would spend on an average vacation.
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When it comes to traveling, Cancers (44%) and other water signs (Pisces and Scorpios, 40%) are likeliest to book a last-minute vacation.

These respondents also tied with fire signs for leaving packing to the last minute (33% each).

One in four respondents have a “lucky item” they always take on vacation, especially Aquarians or Pisces (28% each).

Besides packing, other pre-vacation routines include doing their laundry (64%), cleaning their home (58%) and researching things to do in the area (56%).

A man and woman on a romantic trip clink glasses.
64% of Geminis and Pisces said that they love to explore new places while traveling.
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Virgos (53%) and Pisces (55%) also purchase their favorite snacks to bring along while Libras show themselves love by taking self-pampering before vacation (35%).

According to the survey, respondents keep an eye on the worst dates to travel, too. Nearly a quarter would avoid traveling on Friday the Thirteenth (23%).

Generally, Sagittariuses appeared to be most superstitious about traveling on this day (29%) while other signs are more concerned about other travel superstitions, such as Tauruses avoiding meteor showers (18%) and Leos looking out for full moons (11%).

Looking at where they’re going, the most popular kinds of vacation spots among the signs are family-friendly destinations (36%) and tropical getaways (28%).

An airplane with an open ramp sits on the pavement.
The poll also asked about travel superstitions, with 29% of Saggitariuses responding that they’re nervous to travel on Friday the 13th.
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The Zodiac symbol is depicted surrounded by swirling lines and circles.
Cancers showed themselves to be the most fun sign when 64% of them said that they try to do something fun at least once a week.
Getty Images/iStockphoto

However, Geminis (29%) and Capricorns (28%) are the only ones to prefer amusement parks over beachy destinations.

On the first night getting there, more respondents would rather have a restful night in (45%) than an entertaining night out (40%), except for Scorpios who would prefer to be out on the town (52%).

When it comes to planning versus going with the flow, the signs are split: Geminis (44%), Leos (48%), Virgos (44%), Sagittariuses (41%) and Pisces (42%) plan things out.

On the flip side, Aries (40%), Tauruses (43%), Cancers (47%), Libras (46%), Scorpios (42%) and Aquarians (43%) go with the flow. Capricorns are the only sign whose respondents were evenly split on their preference.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the stars

While the top vacation activity among respondents is sightseeing, water signs unsurprisingly have a slight affinity for the beach (37%).

“While each zodiac sign may have a different preference on how they spend their vacation and what makes it a relaxing experience, most zodiac signs can agree that vacations are one of the best ways to relax and unwind,” said Dana Studebaker, vice president of marketing, consumer brands at Apple Leisure Group. “As travelers look to plan their vacations, finding inspiration from their astrological chart can be a new and exciting way for them to discover what type of vacation they’ll enjoy most.”