Selena Gomez trainer Amy Rosoff Davis gives 2024 fitness tips

Keeping up with a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be hard in 2024 — thanks to celebrity trainer Amy Rosoff Davis.

The health guru, who has worked with A-listers such as Selena Gomez, Sofia Richie, Miranda Kerr, Kristen Bell and Felicity Jones, has come up with a range of wellness routines, workouts and eating plans to help feel your best.

Davis recently dished her fitness secrets to E! News, just in time for the New Year.

Her first tip for readers is to make small changes starting Jan. 1, rather than immediately diving into the annual infamous “new year, new me” mantra.

“You don’t want to do stuff that doesn’t light you up,” she said. “If we’re here for this little blip of a miniscule second in this life, I want to light up the world with whatever makes me happy.”

She noted that people shouldn’t waste their time with eating foods that they don’t like or doing an exercise that isn’t enjoyable for them.

“Make [workouts] fun and make it frictionless so that you can easy make it a part of your routine,” she added. “It’s about setting yourself up for success without attachment to the outcome.”

One of Davis’ main components when it comes to crafting a health routine for her clients, is to assess their diet, sleep and exercise level.

One tip that Davis has for people is to make small changes instead of big ones in 2024. amyrosoffdavis/Instagram

From there, she sets realistic standards for them to follow in order to reach their goals.

For example, she explained that for people who are more “already go-go-go,” she suggests high intensity workouts and gives them ideas on the best times “to stretch or slow down depending on your energy.”

When it comes to working out, Davis believes that moving your body every day for at least 10 minutes can make a big impact.

Getting one’s sweat on can greatly improve one’s ability to absorb food and restore gut health.

Consistence movement practice — no matter how long or short the length of time — can help the “relationship with yourself and how much you care about self-care and self-love.”

Davis helped friend Selena Gomez get into shape for her 2016 Revival Tour. amyrosoffdavis/Instagram

As for one’s diet, she advises that he or she should “eat to nourish” their bodies, and “not punish yourself.”

“Don’t make a salad with just lemon on it because you have to. Make it yummy, add a bunch of olive oil and salt and make everything like you’re a goddess in a way,” Davis said.

She revealed that clean eating doesn’t work for everyone, and therefore adjustments need to be made to their health routine in order for them to succeed.

“If we’re here for this little blip of a miniscule second in this life, I want to light up the world with whatever makes me happy,” she said. Getty Images

The wellness blogger divulged: “It is then getting into what you eat and how you detox your body and how you take care of yourself because everything works better when your system works.”

“You have to set yourself up for success, so if you’re like, ‘Okay, I am going to work out for nine hours a day and eat like one piece of celery,’ it’s going to feel overwhelming, you’re going to dread doing it and also it’s going to be hard to sustain,” she stated.

“What can you implement realistically into your life that is going to make you a healthier, better version of you, whatever that looks like, but in a way that’s actually doable and that you can change your lifestyle?”

However, treating your physique well via good eating and movement aren’t the only things that can heal your soul.

Davis advocates for having a a nightly skincare routine or even using meditation to help relax.

Davis’ clients include Gomez, Sofia Richie, Miranda Kerr and Kristen Bell. amyrosoffdavis/Instagram

She then disclosed a little trick that makes sticking to good habits painless in 2024.

“Make it a lifestyle so that when you have your French fries and your glass of wine, you’re not stressed out about enjoying some things in life that are indulgent,” Davis asserted.

“How do you make your baseline health and wellness and whatever that means to you so that one day or holiday season doesn’t derail you?”