Nude man with ‘naked’ license plate pumping gas stuns onlookers

He appears to be having a gas.

A fully nude British man left several gas station visitors shocked after he started filling up his BMW — which just so happened to have a vanity license plate that read “NA 02 KED.”

Quinn Kelly, 26, said he spotted the naked man at the gas station while he was on his way home.

“I stopped at the garage to pick up some bits,” the 26-year-old told South West News Service. “I came out after paying and I got a glance of him from the corner of my eye, he was behind the pillar.

“I thought ‘I swear that guy was naked.’ I got in my car and had a look,” continued Kelly. “His reg plate said ‘naked’ as well. He was filling up his car bullock naked. He was casual about it.”

Kelly managed to snap a video of the man and posted it on his Facebook.

Still curious, Kelly said he went back to the station the following day.

“I went back the next day and asked the cashier if she saw him and she said she served him so we laughed about it,” recalled Kelly. “It didn’t bother me, I thought it was a bit weird because there were kids in the petrol station but personally, I thought it was funny and thought ‘what the hell did I just see?’ It is what it is.”

A fully nude British man left several gas station visitors shocked after he started filling up his car.
A nude British man left several gas station visitors shocked after he started filling up his car.
Kennedy News and Media

The man's car had an appropriate license plate that read "Naked."
The man’s car had an appropriate license plate that read “Naked.”
Kennedy News & Media

The man was identified a few days later as 44-year-old Stuart Gilmour, who has been practicing naturism for about eight years.

“I saw Quinn’s photos on Facebook,” said Gilmour to SWNS. “I don’t do it for attention. I’m doing it to promote naturism and the benefits.”

Gilmour commented on Kelly’s post saying that he is “proud to be a naturist and promote body positivity, mental health through naturism and raising money for charities.”

Quinn Kelly, 26, was stopping by the gas station on his way home when he spotted the man.
Quinn Kelly, 26, was stopping by the gas station on his way home when he spotted the man.
Kennedy News & Media

“I like promoting that it’s good for your mental health and it’s a natural way to be when the weather is good enough,” continued the man.

According to Gilmour, being totally nude every day has really helped his mental health and fuels his confidence.

“I’m more comfortable and confident without clothes, believe it or not. It’s definitely done wonders for my body image,” claimed the man to LancsLive.

According to Gilmour, being totally nude every day has really helped his mental health and fuels his confidence.
According to Gilmour, being totally nude every day has really helped his mental health and fuels his confidence.
Kennedy News & Media

"I'm more comfortable and confident without clothes, believe it or not. It's definitely done wonders for my body image," claimed the man.
“I’m more comfortable and confident without clothes, believe it or not. It’s definitely done wonders for my body image,” claimed the man.
Kennedy News & Media

The Manchester native said that he seldom receives any negative attention, though people who pass him on the street often giggle or ask for a photo.

“I don’t really get bad reactions, someone told me to get my clothes on and that’s about it,” confides Gilmour. “Everyone just has a giggle about it, asks for a photo and asks what it’s about.”

The man continues by saying that he is so used to people reacting at this point, it hardly registers if people take pictures, or in Kelly’s case, a video.

"I don't really get bad reactions, someone told me to get my clothes on and that's about it," confides Gilmour. "Everyone just has a giggle about it, asks for a photo and asks what it's about."
“I don’t really get bad reactions, someone told me to get my clothes on and that’s about it,” confides Gilmour. “Everyone just has a giggle about it, asks for a photo and asks what it’s about.”
Kennedy News & Media

Always being in his birthday suit has some benefits in the naturist's eyes telling the Lancashire-based publication that he has saves "a fortune" in energy bills.
Always being in his birthday suit has some benefits in the naturist’s eyes telling the Lancashire publication that he saves “a fortune” in energy bills.
Kennedy News & Media

“All I’m doing is filling my car up like anyone else,” stated the man. “I’m in a public space so they’re legally allowed to and it’s not something you see every day so I don’t let it bother me.”

The Post reached out to Gilmour for comment.

Gilmour told LancsLive that nudity has some added benefits, including saving “a fortune” in energy bills due to the fact he rarely has to do his laundry.

Gilmour said that the only time he really gets dressed is when he goes grocery shopping or is headed to work — but some shops welcome him in his birthday suit.

“I do contact companies if I’m going shopping asking if I can visit as a naturist and most of the time they say yes. It’s only a naked body at the end of the day,” he said.

The man has taken his message about body positivity globally after voicing his beliefs on both a Twitter and Facebook account.

“I’m trying to get people to see it is a normal thing to see and there are a lot more people wanting to live this lifestyle,” finished Gilmour.