My uterus fell out after passing gas — it looked like a penis

A woman thought that she farted out a penis after breaking wind in the middle of the night.

Lauren K., who goes by @FresnoNightcrawler on TikTok, first shared the story of her medical mishap a week ago in a TikTok video that quickly gathered 23.6 million views.

The 18-year-old claimed that when she was younger she woke up in the middle of the night after she “farted really loud” and found her “uterus hanging out” in her underwear.

“This will never not be the funniest thing that’s ever happened to me,” she captioned the video that shocked and confused TikTokers.

People flooded her comments with questions prompting her to make several other viral videos filling in the details.

“So I was 17 and I farted really loud and it suddenly felt like I had laid an egg like I was sitting on a tennis ball in my bed like I was lying on top of one,” Lauren explained in another TikTok video.

“I couldn’t get comfortable and I’m walking around and I feel like something is, like did I s – – t myself? Like something is out.”

Too uncomfortable to sleep, Lauren went to the bathroom to inspect whatever was in her underwear.

“I got to the bathroom and I look and I am like do I have a penis?” she remembered wondering.

"Me waking up because I farted really loud" Lauren wrote on TikTok
The TikToker’s first video quickly went viral amassing 23.6 million views in a week.

Confused about what had happened, Lauren took a photo and began searching for answers online, which led her to assume that she had experienced a uterine prolapse.

“Turns out my uterus fell out, which doesn’t usually happen until you’re in your mid-70s when your pelvic floor decides it has given up,” Lauren said.

“Turns out when you push when you poop, it weakens your pelvic floor so much that your uterus could fall out or your rectum and you just have to stick it back in,” Lauren said.

As Lauren correctly explains, a uterine prolapse occurs when pelvic floor muscles and ligaments stretch and weaken to the point where they are unable to hold the uterus in place allowing it to slip down into or protrude from the vagina.

"my uterus hanging out in my underwear" Lauren captioned a video
Lauren explained that her intestinal issues led to a weakened pelvic floor which allowed her uterus to slip out of place and hang out of her vagina.

According to the Mayo Clinic, it is most likely to happen to people after menopause who’ve had one or more vaginal births and usually doesn’t require treatment.

Unsure what to do, Lauren crept into her mother’s room around 3 a.m. that night and tried to wake her up to take her to the hospital, but was brushed off until the next day.

The young woman defended her mother’s decision to wait, explaining that at the time her mother “was 68 and she couldn’t walk well” from a hip replacement.

Not sure what else to do, Lauren went back to bed. Fortunately, while she was sleeping “nature took its course” and her uterus “worked its way back into” her body.

She finally visited the hospital about 18 hours after the incident first occurred. Lauren said that the nurses were shocked and laughed along with her as they helped her “get it all the way back in but reassured her viewers that “everything is fine.”

Lauren comparing her uterine prolapse to a creature on SpongeBob SquarePants
She compared her uterine prolapse to a worm-like cartoon creature on SpongeBob SquarePants.

Lauren rated her uterine prolapse a two out of 10 on a pain scale describing that “it doesn’t even feel like a pinch it just feels like you’re sitting on an egg.”

She insisted that “it doesn’t hurt” and explained that the condition is unlikely to happen to other young women but was caused by “the perfect storm of intestinal issues” she struggles with — Lauren also has Irritable Bowl Syndrome, a chronic condition that can cause severe constipation.

Lauren luckily hasn’t experienced another concerning uterine medical issue since she thought she farted out a penis but still gets worried in certain situations.

“Sometimes I feel [my uterus] slipping when I cough, sneeze, lift, or strain, and it scares me every time. I asked my primary care physician to refer me to a new gynecologist a few months ago, but I haven’t heard back,” she told BuzzFeed.

Experts suggest kegel exercises or pelvic floor therapy to help strengthen the muscles in that area.

Lauren’s situation wasn’t the strangest thing that doctors have seen going on down there.

A recent study reported that a Serbian woman had to have a cork removed from her vagina after botched sex play nearly four years earlier. Meanwhile, a French hospital once had to be partially evacuated last year after a senior citizen arrived with a World War I artillery shell lodged in his rectum.