I’ve been to every country — now I rule my own: Slowjamastan

Long — and slow — may he reign.

After visiting every country in the world, San Diego, California, DJ Randy “R Dub!” Williams is sure he could do it better.

“I ran out of countries, so I created my own,” Williams, a late-night “slow jams” radio host, told CNN.

“One of the reasons I created Slowjamastan was because, after 193 countries, I wanted a 194th!”

Another reason was his “mounting concern and strong disdain for those embarrassing, funny, rubber things they call ‘Crocs’,” he told The Post.

Williams founded his nascent nation after visiting all 193 United Nations-recognized state borders, and the micro-nation of the Republic of Molossia in Nevada.

He was inspired by the micro-nation, which was started in 1998, and bought an 11.07-acre plot of desert land located off Southern California’s Route 78 in October 2021 for $19,000.

DJ Randy “R Dub!” Williams on a plane
DJ Randy “R Dub!” Williams decided to create his own “country” after visiting all 193 UN-recognized countries.

Randy “R Dub!” Williams as the Sultan
Williams deemed himself the Sultan after he purchased an 11.07-acre plot of desert land located off Southern California’s Route 78 in October 2021 for $19,000.

The nation was named after his love for 90s slow jams and artists including Boys II Men, Usher, and Alicia Keys.
Courtesy of @slowjamastan

The United Territories of the Sovereign Nation of the People’s Republic of Slowjamastan was declared sovereign on Dec. 1, 2021.

The territory meets the criteria for a sovereign nation-state as defined by the 1933 Montevideo Convention, which requires a country to have a permanent population, a defined territory, a government and the capacity to enter into diplomatic relations with other states.

“The sultan is the sultan of slow jams,” Williams told Fox 5 of his ruling persona. “He loves the Boys II Men, and the Usher, and the Alicia Keys, Luther Vandross and Anita Baker.”

“That’s just kind of the tie-in we wanted — the land of slow jams where people could come and just vibe out and relax,” he continued, “enjoy good music and good people.”

The United Territories of the Sovereign Nation of the People’s Republic of Slowjamastan was declared sovereign on Dec. 1, 2021.
The United Territories of the Sovereign Nation of the People’s Republic of Slowjamastan was declared sovereign on Dec. 1, 2021.

Slowjamastan passport
Williams has had his Slowjamastan passport stamped by 16 countries, including South Africa, New Zealand, Vanuatu and the United States.
Courtesy of @slowjamastan

Slowjamastan currency
The small country has its own currency (“the duble”), flag, national anthem, time zone (Slowjamastan Standard Time) and national animal (the Slowjamastan raccoon).
Courtesy of @slowjamastan

Randy Williams, the self-appointed sultan of Slowjamastan with some visitors
The micronation of Slowjamastan has no residents but more than 5,000 registered Slowjamastanis in their census.

The micronation of Slowjamastan has its own passports, flag, currency (“the duble”), national anthem, time zone (Slowjamastan Standard Time), national animal (the Slowjamastan raccoon),12 states — including the capital of Dublândia — and more than 5,000 registered Slowjamastanis in their census (none of whom live in Slowjamastan).

“We are happy, flattered and very much honored to be the fastest growing micronation in the world,” he claimed to The Post.

The border is now open to tourists, too.

“Just please, let us know before you arrive so we may turn off the landmines,” he warned Post readers, clarifying that the “landmines only detonate with confetti and Mexican candy.”

The sultan enforces a list of prohibitions that all citizens and visitors are required to follow in order to avoid “banishment” by the Slowjamastan Federal Police.

Randy Williams with a passport
The border of Slowjamastan is open to tourists who can come visit the small area located 700 miles outside of San Diego.

Slowjamastan postcard
Williams wants his country to be “a reprieve from the constant fighting and divisiveness so prevalent everywhere, at every moment.”
Courtesy of @slowjamastan

All citizens and visitors must “never ‘reply all’ to an all-staff email unless it is absolutely necessary,” play “mumble rap” publicly, put feet on the bulkhead of an aircraft and be able to distinguish between “your” and “you’re.”

Crocs are also banned inside the Republic of Slowjamastan, according to the official Slowjamastan website.

“This abhorrent footwear has spread across America (and the globe) with the quickness and fury of a pandemic. Unfortunately, my calls to Congress and lawmakers in America to stop these embarrassing shoes before it’s too late went unheard…I had no choice other than to create a country of all my own, where I make the rules,” he told The Post.

“We will forcibly remove a ‘Croc’ and beat you over the head with it,” the laws warn.

The country’s website says it’s a “dictatorship” recognized by “The Sultan’s mom” — but has not established any formal diplomatic relations with other nations.

Randy Williams with a Slowjamastan border patrol truck
The micro-nation has several laws including one that bans citizens and visitors from wearing Crocs.

However, Williams has had his Slowjamastan passport stamped by 16 countries, including South Africa, New Zealand, Vanuatu and the United States.

He’s currently working to become recognized by President Joe Biden, who has not responded to his emails and social media outreach.

“When he’s not ruling over the world’s newest nation, our Dear Leader hosts an internationally syndicated radio show called ‘Sunday Night Slow Jams,’ currently heard on over 200 radio stations across America,” Slowjamastan’s website states.

Rany Williams making a call from his desk
Williams is working to have Slowjamastan recognized by an official nation and hopes to establish formal diplomatic relations with other nations.

Williams with a sign warning of landmines at the border
“Please, let us know before you arrive so we may turn off the landmines,” he warned Post readers, clarifying that the “landmines only detonate with confetti and Mexican candy.”
Courtesy of @slowjamastan

He spends most of his time about 70 miles from his micro-nation living in San Diego.

“I visit as often as I can — working mostly out of our American Consulate here in San Diego, California, United States of America,” Williams said Insider. “It’s here where I enjoy the luxury of electricity and running water. And a roof.”

But he has “big dreams” for Slowjamastan, planning to build “a grand palace for The Sultan and his harem,” a lazy river, an interactive armadillo farm, an all-you-can-eat Mongolian barbecue restaurant and a giant statue to honor himself.

People can apply for citizenship and cabinet positions through the Slowjamastan website.

“Slowjamastan is a reprieve from the constant fighting and divisiveness so prevalent everywhere, at every moment. Our nation is an escape from all of this drama. We welcome everyone, and we specifically don’t use any labels: We are all simply ‘Slowjamastani!’ he told The Post.