Italian ice cream shop charges outrageous fee for extra spoon

I scream, you scream, we all scream for extra fees!

A woman named Chiara was shocked to be charged a euro — about $1 — for requesting an extra spoon so she could share her ice cream cup.

She had popped into Gelateria Serafini in the town of Lavis in northern Italy to enjoy a sweet treat on Sept. 10.

When she looked at the bill, she noticed the cashier had added a charge for the second spoon.

The woman was so upset by the fee that she posted about it on Tripadvisor, warning others and saying that she wouldn’t be returning.

Gelateria Serafini in Lavis
A woman was shocked to be charged a euro — about $1 — for requesting an extra spoon to share her ice cream cup at Gelateria Serafini in Lavis in northern Italy.

“I split an 8 euro Caramel cup, but I paid 9: I was charged an extra euro as a ‘service’ for asking for a second teaspoon,” a translation of Chiara’s message on Tripadvisor reads.

“I won’t be coming back, but if you come by, bring one from home!” she added.

The upset woman posted her review accompanied by a photo of the receipt showing the charge.

According to Tripadvisor, the restaurant is rated No. 1 out of three dessert shops in the area and has 3.5 of 5 stars, based on 676 reviews.

The Post reached out to Gelateria Serafini for comment.

The review comes amid a flood of complaints about extra fees diners have been charged for absurd additions or services like extra spoons or cake cutting.

Photo shows a bill in which 1EUR was charged for an ice-cream spoon
The woman was so upset by the fee that she posted about it on Tripadvisor with a photo of the receipt.

A diner at a restaurant in Italy was outraged to learn he’d been charged 15 euros — about $16 — to have a store-bought cake cut and served to his nine guests.

Another traveler in Italy took to the internet to vent after noticing she’d been slapped with a surprise 2-euro surcharge at a restaurant in the upscale Lake Como region — for having a sandwich cut in half.