I’m a real-life ‘She-Hulk’ — I love my natural, curvy girl muscles

Eat your heart out Jennifer Walters.

Dutch bodybuilder Jackie Koorn has been dubbed a real life “She-Hulk” after going viral with her 24-inch “curvy girl muscles.”

Like many of us in 2020, Koorn, 33, lost her favorite pastime, kickboxing, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To fill the void, she focused on bodybuilding in isolation.

Koorn now claims to rival the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger — whose biceps measured a mere 22 inches in his prime. — despite her having a “natural” look.

“I want to bring some new thing to the market. I call it curvy muscle, because I want to have my female curves but also want to have the muscles in a healthy good way,” she told South West News Service.

Koorn, who owns a security company, says she’s always been the athletic type.

“I am one of six children, our family has a background of playing sports. At a young age I was taking part in judo, football and swimming,” Koorn recalled.

“I come from a good family,” she continued. “We were always taught, if you want something you have to work for it. I think that has carried through into my fitness, I work very hard for my body.”

Koorn -- who owns a security company in the Netherlands -- says that she has always been into fitness since a young and spent much of her youth taking part in various sports like swimming and kickboxing.
Dutch bodybuilder Jackie Koorn can deadlift 330 pounds, bench press 400 pounds, squat 200 pounds and leg press up to 990 pounds.
MDWFeatures/Jackie Koorn

Fitness has been a journey for Koorn, who weighed just 154 pounds in 2020, and a whopping 350 pounds now — gaining 70% of pure muscle in the process, she claims.

“What led me to building my curvy girl muscle was my temporary hiatus from kickboxing,” she explained. “I always had an interest in fitness but having to take a hiatus allowed me to focus on a different way of using my body, that led me here.”

These days she can deadlift 330 pounds, bench press 400 pounds, squat 200 pounds and leg press up to 990 pounds.

“I feel strong, huge and pretty good,” Koorn added. “I have built myself up through continuing a good diet and exercise regimen. Good food and lifting weights that what you need if you want to grow muscle.”

According to the bodybuilder, she originally weighed 154 lbs but now after two years of building muscle, Koorn says she weighs a whopping 350 lbs with 70% of it being pure muscle.
Now at an impressive 350 pounds, Koorn gained nearly 200 pounds — 70% of which is pure muscle — between 2020 and 2022.
MDWFeatures/Jackie Koorn

One woman has dubbed herself "She-hulk" after going viral with her 24-inch muscles.
The muscle maven consumes up to 3,200 calories in a day when she’s trying to gain mass.
MDWFeatures/Jackie Koorn

Koorn’s diet includes eight eggs a day: two of them at breakfast with some cottage cheese and granola, as well as her identical second breakfast, two for lunch with some chicken and, for her final serving, two eggs at dinner alongside some vegetables.

“As I am cutting [back] right now I am taking in 2,200 calories a day. When I am just building [muscle] it is more like 3,200,” said Koorn.

The muscle maven shared her fitness journey on Instagram with the hope that others embrace their strength and natural curves. But opening up and promoting body positivity hasn’t come without its hardships — but it doesn’t stop her.

Koorn has posted her fitness journey on Instagram in an attempt to get others to embrace their strength and natural curves. However, Koorn has said that she has also faced hateful comments as well.
“This journey is mine and I will do it my way,” Koorn said.
MDWFeatures/Jackie Koorn

“You are called fat, ugly, stupid, transsexual, feminine man, accused of using synthol, anything but nothing stops me, this is curvy muscle the natural way and I do it my way, my unique self,” she said of the .

“I put no weight on negative mindsets,” said Koorn. “There will always be people that think they know better or can do it better, but this journey is mine and I will do it my way.”

Koorn continued, “This is curvy muscle the natural way … my unique self.”