I’m a professional waxer — this is what we’re really thinking about

She’s waxing on your most embarrassing insecurities.

A professional waxer on TikTok has revealed that most in her field don’t think twice about what’s going on downstairs when a client arrives at the salon.

In the TikTok with nearly one million views, esthetician Candy Patrice described the sort of thoughts that most clients may have on the waxing bed.

“Guest thoughts vs waxer thoughts during a Brazilian,” she captioned the video.

According to Patrice, many of her clients fret about the shape and natural odor of their genital area. “Does my vagina look funny? Does it smell weird? I’m so hairy or hope I don’t have discharge,” read the on-screen text.

But those details hardly cross her mind, says Patrice, who insisted she’s usually thinking about anything but your private parts.

“I love this wax, so glad I did yoga today, I need to call my lawyer or I need to see about therapy again,” she recalled.

She continued her stream of consciousness: “That video was so funny, can’t wait to finish that show on Netflix, do my kids start camp this week or next. This wax glides so smooth, I need to order some more product and I’m hungry, I need to eat something healthy today.”

Patrice’s viewers on TikTok were apparently relieved by the admission.

“This is super reassuring, thank you,” commented one user. “This brings me peace,” added another.

One waxer said that they plan on using Patrice’s TikTok to help bring peace to their clients. Said her peer, “I can’t wait to show this to all my clients when they come in being insecure!!! Thanks boo.”