I’m a flight attendant — never do these 5 things on planes

This mile-high hygiene video will make you realize just how germy jets really are.

Flight attendant Tommy Cimato has taken to TikTok to tell passengers how to stay sanitary during long-haul flights — and his video has left some sickened.

The Arizona-based airline worker revealed his tips in a clip titled “5 things you should never do on an airplane,” which has gone viral amid Americans’ frustrations with air travel following flight cancellations, delays, and luggage issues.

In the clip, Cimato warned travelers — and his nearly 500,000 followers — not to wear shorts while flying on planes, saying seats may not have been properly cleaned before boarding.

“Don’t — or try not to — wear shorts,” the outspoken flight attendant advised. “You never know how clean it’s gonna be, so if you have pants, you’re gonna have less germs.”

Similarly, if you’re booked in a window seat, Cimato said it’s wise not to lean your face up against the glass while trying to sleep.

In the clip, Cimato warned travelers not to wear shorts while flying on planes, saying seats may not have been properly cleaned before boarding.
In the clip, Cimato warned travelers not to wear shorts while flying on planes, saying seats may not have been properly cleaned before boarding.

“Do not fall asleep or lean your head on the window. You are not the only one who has done that and you do not know how many children have wiped their hands or other things on the window,” he declared.

Meanwhile, passengers should also exercise caution when using the bathroom and avoid pressing the flush button with their bare hands.

Passengers should also exercise caution when use the bathroom and avoid using the flush button with their bare hands.
Passengers should also exercise caution when use the bathroom and avoid pressing the flush button with their bare hands.

“It’s honestly just super unsanitary and it’s pretty gross so use a napkin or a tissue that’s in the lavatory,” said Cimato, who previously went viral with a horrifying exposé about the “mid-air sound you never want to hear.”

Cimato’s two other pieces of advice revolved around health on board the plane, saying passengers should remember to stay hydrated and inform a flight attendant if they ever feel ill.

But the clip itself made some viewers feel as if they’d lose their lunch, with one bluntly declaring: “This just proves you guys don’t clean the plane…”

Another stated: “Tell me you don’t clean the plane without telling me you don’t clean the plane.”

Cimato isn’t the only airline worker to recently go viral for revealing a plane’s sanitary secrets.

Earlier this week, a pilot took to Tiktok to share what happens to waste after a passenger flushes the toilet onboard an aircraft.