I’m a flight attendant — here’s why I would never rest my head against the airplane window

If you’re not planning on “raw dogging” your next flight, you might choose to take a nap to pass the time.

People who snooze on planes often opt for a window seat so they can rest their head — but a flight attendant is warning against it.

A flight attendant named Tommy, who goes by @tommycimato on TikTok, where he shares travel tips with his followers, posted a video where he revealed five things you should “never do on an airplane.”

Young man sleeping by the window during an airplane flight
People who snooze on planes often opt for a window seat so they can rest their head. Chalabala – stock.adobe.com

One of the items he listed was to never fall asleep or lean your head on the window.

The reason for this is because it’s unsanitary.

“You’re not the only one who has done that and you don’t know how many people or children have wiped their hands — or other things — all over the window.”

You never know if or how often the airplane windows are sanitized, so it’s best to avoid the germy situation.

Business woman experiencing jet lag and airsickness, using a computer near the airplane window
The flight attendant warned never to rest your head on the window. NanSan – stock.adobe.com

Aside from sleeping against the window, Tommy said passengers should never touch the flush button or lever with bare hands because it’s “honestly just super unsanitary” and advises to use a napkin or tissue touch it.

He also emphasized the importance of drinking water on a flight and staying hydrated, suggesting drinking about 16oz of water for every flight that you go on.

Another don’t for Tommy: Don’t wear shorts on a plane — or at least try not to. He explained that this is for a similar reason as not leaning against the window.

“If you have pants, you’re going to have less germs,” he said.

Lastly, he shared that you shouldn’t feel afraid to let a flight attendant know if you’re feeling sick mid-flight.

“We are there to help, so if you need food, water or an air-sickness bag, please feel free to let us know,” he said.