I’m a flight attendant — here’s what makes us hate passengers most

These ill-tempered travelers put the “ass” in “passenger.”

Amid nonstop stories about nightmare airplane passengers, one former US flight attendant is clearing the air on which flyers are the most annoying — which, contrary to popular belief, are not crying babies. Indeed, the passengers that irritate the cabin crew the most are the people who complain about crying babies, the ex-stewardess states in a clip with 1.5 million views.

“I promise you, there’s nothing that irritates us more as a flight attendant [than] when people complain about babies crying,” said Kat Kalamani, a six-year veteran of the friendly skies, in the clip.

Accompanying footage shows an angry looking “Karen” on an undisclosed flight shushing a baby that’s throwing a tantrum off screen.

While these passengers may see themselves as heroes of the flight, they’re actually annoying both staff and fellow travelers, per the clip.

Instead of whining about wailing babies, Kalamani suggests that perturbed passengers bring “noise cancelling headphones” or “ask the parent if they need help.”

And don’t, under any circumstances, request a change of scenery, per the clip. “Don’t even ask us to be moved to a different seat,” the ex sky waitress warns her nearly 950,000 followers. “Because I promise you, no one else wants that baby to stop crying more than that parent.”

Kat Kalamani has tips for passengers who complain about babies crying on the plane.
Kat Kalamani has tips for passengers who complain about babies crying on the plane.

Needless to say, the PSA resonated with viewers with one writing, “If a child is crying they’re not doing for fun!! Thank you!!!”

One father wrote, “I have 3 children and it’s the worst feeling knowing people hate it. We do everything to make sure they don’t cry…”

“Just tell them: Dear costumer, this is a public transportation,” suggested one TikTok wit. “Next time fly in your private jet.”

"I promise you, there's nothing that irritates us more as a flight attendant [than] when people complain about babies crying," said Kalamani, a six-year veteran of the friendly skies.
“I promise you, there’s nothing that irritates us more as a flight attendant [than] when people complain about babies crying,” said Kalamani, a six-year veteran of the friendly skies.

Even alleged cabin crew members weighed in. “I am a flight attendant and I get really mad when passengers complain to me about the crying baby.. like what do you want me to do?” exclaimed one plane staffer.

However, some armchair travel experts disagreed. “I can handle it [babies crying] on short flights….NOT 14 hr flights,” fumed one commenter. “Some parents simply don’t know how to distract/soothe/entertain kids on a plane.”

“Just don’t take small child for such long travels,” scoffed another.

Even some purported parents said they found sitting next to sobbing tots just plane annoying. “Parent of three here, I do not want to sit next to a crying baby,” they wrote. “I will always ask to move.”

Other dissenters declared that there should be infant-free flights. While there currently doesn’t exist such a service (as far as we know), Japan Airlines offers ticket-bookers the option to preselect seats where they won’t be subjected to crying tykes.

Of course, opinions vary with regards to what kinds of airline passengers are the most irritating.

One purported frequently flyer even compiled a list on TikTok of the “worst a–holes on airplanes,” which included everyone from “gate crowders” to people who put their backpacks in the overhead bin.