I’m 74 and in the best shape of my life — wine is my secret weapon

Back that glass up.

A 74-year-old British woman claims she has even more energy now than she did in her 20s — despite her daily consumption of bread, cheese, and a bottle of wine per night.

Norma Williams, a Liverpool native residing in Italy, said she maintains a very active lifestyle and a relaxed diet that stuns people when they learn her “elderly” age. But she insists aging is a mindset, refusing to believe she will ever be “old.”

After all, she still dreams of becoming a runway model.

“It’s important as you age to remain relevant. If you retire and do nothing further with your life, that’s like putting one foot in the grave,” she told Jam Press.

Norma Williams, 74, claims to be in the best shape of her life.
Norma Williams has long desired to be a catwalk model in Milan.
Jam Press/Norma Williams

Norma Williams
She grew up in Liverpool and now resides in Spoleto, Italy, where she runs Umbria Holiday Rentals with her partner, Laurie, 85.
Jam Press/Norma Williams

Williams recalled always wanting to be a model, but said she was overweight from binge eating as a young adult.

“I’d go to bed with several packets of chocolate marshmallows, huge bags of Wotsits and a freshly sliced white loaf,” she remembered. “I was a wreck and felt bad all the time.”

She continued: “The biggest difference between me in my 20s and me in my 70s is, quite simply, energy. My energy levels have increased exponentially over the past 50 years — and that’s what drives me to live the way I do now.”

Williams when she was in her 60s.
Williams rocks chic workout clothes in her 60s. She’s 74 now.
Jam Press/Norma Williams

I’m in best shape of my life at 74 but still drink bottle of wine a night and snack
Williams claims she struggled with binge eating in her 20s, which put a pause on her modeling dreams.
Jam Press/Norma Williams

Williams says her daily routine consists of 5.5-mile weekday walks and workouts with 8-pound weights while she waits for her tea to boil.

But when it comes to her diet, she’s not as disciplined.

“Breakfast consists of a wholemeal croissant filled with honey, plus a milky cappuccino — sometimes two or three cappuccinos a day,” she explained.

Williams claims to drink a bottle of wine every night.
Williams claims to drink a bottle of wine every night along with consuming bread and cheese.
Jam Press/Norma Williams

“I also drink about six cups of tea a day, each with two sugars. My diet is not perfect — I can demolish four or five packets of five savory biscuits easily after my main meal,” she added.

“For dinner I have mixed nuts, selections of meats and cheeses, wholemeal breads, grilled salmon or battered prawns, potatoes and vegetables.”

I’m in best shape of my life at 74 but still drink bottle of wine a night and snack
She says she takes 5.5-mile daily walks and works out with weights while waiting for her tea to boil.
Jam Press/Norma Williams

I’m in best shape of my life at 74 but still drink bottle of wine a night and snack
“I don’t accept that today belongs to the young as we are expected to believe — it’s up to the elders in our society to set examples and be role models,” she said.
Jam Press/Norma Williams

“I also drink one whole bottle of wine every night,” Williams revealed.

She stated that she follows two “golden rules” — Only eating after her workouts are complete and never snacking between meals.

Williams said people often stop her and politely ask her about her age. Her youthful appearance and endless energy make her believe she could still fulfill her dream of walking the catwalk in Milan.

“Why can’t I strut my stuff alongside 17-year-old beauties without having the obligatory white hair? I want to show the world you don’t have to look like the stereotypical old lady,” she mused.

“I don’t accept that today belongs to the young as we are expected to believe — it’s up to the elders in our society to set examples and be role models.”