I’m 40 and aging backward — my tips and tricks are free

She looks like she’s been bathing in the fountain of youth — but that’s not her secret.

YouTuber Lauren O’Connell took to her channel to share her tricks of the trade, revealing her top tips on aging well, and even backward, she claimed.

“For me, aging is a privilege and a blessing and I’m doing it well — I am aging well,” she said in a video posted in January.

“And, to be honest with you, I think I’m aging backward. I feel younger both inside and outside and I look younger than I ever have,” O’Connell, who lives in Dubai, added.

According to the beauty expert, keeping her youthful looks is as much about mindset as it is about what she puts on her skin — describing herself as “radiating joy,” which is something she tried to bring into all areas of her life.

“Going into this whole confidence and self-advocating avenue has been incredibly gratifying for me and it really has helped me to age well,” the mom-of-two said in the video. “I am so confident today, and I believe in myself.”

Woman black skirt and crop in heels with jacket posing on balcony.
YouTuber Lauren O’Connell shared her top tricks for staying young — inside and out.
Lauren OâConnell/Instagram

Screenshot of dark haired woman in green shirt talking to camera.
O’Connell said that being happy plays a big part in staying youthful.
Lauren OâConnell/YouTube

She also credits having a spiritual connection as helping her youthful looks stick around. “For me, personally, I’m not religious, but I’m very spiritual,” O’Connell said.

“I meditate daily and I actually have a morning ritual where after I get the kids to school, I then meditate for about 10-20 minutes, and I journal every single morning,” she continued. “I write down what I’m grateful for and I’ll pick three or four things that have happened to me within the last 24 hours that I’m grateful for.”

Dark haired woman wearing long sleeved blue jumpsuit.
The beauty influencer also believes in the power of the mind.
Lauren OâConnell/Instagram

Although she admitted to counting calories in the past to maintain her weight, the mom has said she now eats what makes her feel good — although she has cut back on sugar and doesn’t drink caffeine or alcohol anymore because they were “killing her complexion.”

O’Connell also suggests studying the ingredients in skincare, saying having the “right” ingredients has helped “change” her entire look.

“It’s using the right Vitamin C, the right Retinol, peptides, antioxidants and the right moisturizers and hydrators,” she explained, adding as well that she always wears SPF 50, even while indoors.

Of course, the expert agrees it’s important to keep physically fit — and the key to sticking with a workout routine is to find a style of exercise you enjoy most.