I test what I can hold under my boobs before reduction

It works even better than a chest of drawers!

A woman with size 30L breasts showed her social media followers how she uses them as an “internal shelf” before revealing her body post-reduction surgery.

TikTok user Sarah posted a clip — just hours before she underwent the breast reduction — showing the astonishing number of items she can hold under her boobs.

In the clip, which has been viewed over 5 million times, Sarah explains she’s having the surgery in 12 hours, but wanted to try a few things before she goes under the knife.

“So before I yeet my teet, I wanted to figure out all of the things that I can fit under my boobs,” she says in the TikTok which was posted in early June. “So this is going to be a video displaying my internal shelf.”

Sarah, wearing an oversize gray T-shirt, goes on to demonstrate all the things she can hold using her breasts — pulling out a bottle of wine and then a 32-ounce water bottle from under her shirt.

Sarah pulled out a number of items from under her shirt after holding them with her breasts.
Sarah pulled out a number of items from under her shirt after holding them with her breasts.

She could even fit 'Twilight' novels on her 'internal shelf.'
She could even fit “Twilight” novels on her ‘internal shelf.’

She then reveals two massive candles. “Do you want cranberry peppermint or cinnamon stick?” she asks, pulling them out from under her shirt one at a time.

Finally, Sarah pulls out two large “Twilight” novels. Thousands commented on her pre-surgery clip.

“Not a whole LIBRARY in there,” one user wrote.

“I once smuggled in a digital camera and 3 disposable cameras into a concert,” said someone else, with another adding, “this is how I get drinks into concerts.”

She says her confidence has grown since having the surgery.

She's posted videos showing the difference in how her clothes fit pre and post surgery.
She’s posted videos showing the difference in how her clothes fit pre and post surgery.


Others congratulated her on getting a breast reduction, many saying it was the “best” decision they’ve ever made.

“This was me before mine. Couldn’t breathe,” someone else shared.

“Got mine reduced 4 years ago. best decision of my life,” added another.

Sarah has posted videos since her breast reduction, trying on clothes from before and after to demonstrate how drastic the change is.

According to Sarah, it’s not only her physical appearance that’s changed but also her emotional state and attitude toward herself.

“There’s such a stark difference between my confidence pre-surgery and my confidence now,” she revealed in a clip, a month after surgery. “I feel just so different and I’m putting out a different energy.”