I swap clothes and exercise with my grandmother — people get us confused

This sexy sexagenarian is getting hot and sweaty with her glamorous granddaughter.

Personal trainer Lesley Maxwell, 64, has become a social media sensation after sharing videos that show her hitting the gym with her granddaughter, Tia Christofi, 21.

The age-defying nana — who hails from Melbourne, Australia, and boasts 117,000 followers on Instagram — said she also shares a wardrobe with Christofi, despite their 43-year age gap.

“We often share clothes and even bikinis, which is a bonus,” Maxwell told NeedToKnow.online on Thursday. “I think Tia is stunning and I’m blessed to have such a lovely granddaughter.”

Christofi — who has 220,000 Instagram followers in her own right — is super proud of her sexy nan, declaring: “We’re often mistaken as mother and daughter!”

“I aspire to look just as good as she does when I’m her age,” Christofi continued. “We try to fit in a session each week together, mostly at my home gym. We mostly do weight training together, I prefer training legs and booty, and she likes to train her upper body!”

Grandma Lesley Maxwell, 64, and granddaughter Tia Christolfi, 21, workout together and swap skimpy clothes with one another.
Lesley Maxwell, 64, and her granddaughter Tia Christofi, 21, workout together and swap skimpy clothes with one another.

"We often share clothes and even bikinis, which is a bonus:" Maxwell and granddaughter Christofi are pictured showing off their sensational bodies.
“We often share clothes and even bikinis, which is a bonus:” Maxwell and granddaughter Christofi are pictured showing off their sensational bodies.
Jam Press/@tiachristofi/@lesleym

Maxwell said her fit figure hasn’t come easy, and she works out five days a week in order to maintain her enviable looks. She also sticks to a strict diet, eating six small meals per day.

“I eat six times a day and my meals are made up of proteins and fats,” the fitness guru grandma said. “I go against the grain, don’t believe in fad diets or fasting.”

Meanwhile, Christofi claimed her nana also encourages her to watch what she eats.

“Most grandmothers bring cakes when they visit, but mine brings organic eggs, organic berries and makes buckwheat pancakes,” she said.

"We're often mistaken as mother and daughter!" Christofi declared. She is pictured with her glam gran in a recent social media snap.
“We’re often mistaken as mother and daughter!” Christofi said. She is pictured with her glam gran in a recent social media snap.
Jam Press/@tiachristofi/@lesleym

Maxwell works out five days a week and eats six small meals each day in order to maintain her age-defying frame.
Maxwell works out five days a week and eats six small meals each day in order to maintain her age-defying frame.
Jam Press/@lesleymaxwell.fitness

"We try to fit in a session each week together, mostly at my home gym," Christolfi stated. "We mostly do weight training together, I prefer training legs and booty, and she likes to train her upper body!"
“We try to fit in a session each week together, mostly at my home gym,” Christofi said. “We mostly do weight training together, I prefer training legs and booty, and she likes to train her upper body!”
Jam Press/@tiachristofi

Maxwell has shared tips for other middle-aged women looking to tone up this coming winter, saying: “Of course, I understand that in the cooler weather it’s easier to cuddle up on the couch and perhaps be tempted by high-calorie food that has no nutritious value, however we can then gain weight.”

The sexy blond also said it’s important to exercise, declaring that those who are reluctant to workout should “start small and progress.”

“If you tell yourself to get up and exercise just for a few minutes, you will end up doing it for longer,” she claimed. “You have to get over the initial phase and it becomes a habit.”

"If you have a racehorse, you would want to show it off and not let it laze around," she declared. "People always admire a healthy strong body, it makes you feel sexy."
“If you have a racehorse, you would want to show it off and not let it laze around,” she said. “People always admire a healthy strong body, it makes you feel sexy.”
Jam Press/@lesleymaxwell.fitness

Meanwhile, Maxwell has no plans to cover up her stunning body in the near future, saying she’ll continue to rock skimpy bikinis and her granddaughter’s form-fitting gym gear.

“If you have a racehorse, you would want to show it off and not let it laze around,” she declared. “People always admire a healthy strong body, it makes you feel sexy.”