I only grew one boob — and it’s a real medical condition

She’s making the breast of it. 

Rebecca Butcher, a woman who only grew one boob, is virally displaying her uneven endowment in a titillating series of TikTok testimonials.  

“I noticed that when I went through puberty that one of my boobs was growing and the other one wasn’t,” explained UK resident Butcher, 25, in a trending tell-all with more than 2.3 million views. 

“So I went to my doctor and they said, ‘You haven’t finished going through puberty yet. It’s fine. It’s nothing. It will grow. It’s normal for women to have one boob bigger than the other. Come back if it hadn’t changed in a few years,’ ” she continued. 

However, after suffering through her teenage years with her right breast developing much faster and larger than the left side of her chest, Butcher feared that her asymmetry was caused by more than a pubescent delay.  

“I was having to stuff my bra with socks and wear turtlenecks to hide it because I didn’t want anybody to know,” she admitted. 

Butcher realized her left breast wasn't growing at the same pace as her right breast and rushed to her doctor for help.
Butcher realized her left breast wasn’t growing at the same pace as her right breast and rushed to her doctor for help.

With little help from her doctors, a distressed Butcher typed “one boob” into Google. And after sifting through a heap of “weird things” that popped up on the global search engine, the brunette discovered that she likely had Poland Syndrome. 

The rare congenital disorder is classically characterized by the absence of chest wall muscles on one side of the body, per Rarediseases.org. And in females, there may be underdevelopment or an absence of one breast and underlying tissues. 

But when she presented the probable cause of her stunted boob growth to her doctor, he was stumped. 

“He said, ‘Yes. I’m pretty sure this is what you’ve got, but I can’t diagnose it because I don’t know anything about it,’ ” Butcher said. 

She claimed the physician went on to confess that he never studied the disorder in medical school because his professors presumed it “unlikely” that he’d ever encounter the unusual condition. 

So, the doc passed Butcher off to a specialist, who also didn’t know much about the deformity

And after visiting a revolving door of at least 11 medical experts, each with different diagnoses — including one doc who suggested she give the medical marvel a name because she was likely the only person in the world to grapple with the affliction — an exhausted Butcher ended her search for help from the health care system. 

Instead, she decided to find a Poland Syndrome community and cope with others like her.

But sharing her story with her more than 27,000 TikTok followers has given Butcher an added dose of support and love, too. 

After failing to be properly diagnosed by a number of medical experts, Butcher decided to just accept her rare condition.
After failing to be properly diagnosed by a number of medical experts, Butcher decided to just accept her rare condition.

“I am so impressed that you can talk about this so calmly. This whole process sounds like a nightmare. Glad you’ve found online support systems,” one commentator remarked. 

“One of my friends had that. She’s the first person I’ve ever met with it. Hers is a little less noticeable. She did receive implants to make the match,” penned another. 

In a separate post with 3.2 million views, Butcher said she doesn’t want an implant, and she cheekily poked fun at how frequently doctors offer a boob job as a solution to her lopsidedness. 

Elsewhere, the Poland Syndrome advocate revealed that she once took hormone pills for five years. She said the doctors hoped the chemicals would promote the growth of her left breast. But, instead, the meds reportedly gave her severe migraines that nearly caused a blood clot in her brain. 

Butcher also noted that she could undergo a muscle transplant procedure during which surgeons would remove a muscle from her back and place it in her chest. But she’s opting out of the surgery for fear the transplant would make her back weaker. 

“I feel like I’m never really going to know completely everything about this condition,” Butcher said, adding that there’s no “100%” answer to why the deformity occurs. “And I’ve just accepted that.”