I got revenge on my ex — I made a sexy shirt from a lousy gift he got me

She’s putting the baggage from her failed relationship to good use. 

Wasting no time in getting over her ex, a blond creative named Beau, 21, virally sliced and diced a leather Louis Vuitton purse she received from her former lover, transforming the haute handbag into a chic “revenge” corset.

But virtual haters say her avant-garde remake was a “f – – king silly” move. 

“I decided to make the bag into a corset because I had gotten bored of it,” Beau, from the UK, told NeedToKnow.co.UK of her fashion-forward flex. “It no longer felt special to me.”

The newly single Gen Zer recently dumped her boyfriend of four years after realizing that her needs weren’t being met in the relationship. 

“I made the decision to leave for a number of reasons,” she explained. “It was one of the best choices I ever made for myself.”

And while doing away with a few once-cherished mementos that reminded her of sweeter times with her erstwhile sweetheart, Beau became inspired to restyle the luxury accessory — which can range in price from $400 to $36,000 — into waist-cinching art. 

Beau was shocked by how well the bag-turned-corset turned out in the end.
Beau voiced her gratitude for online fans who applauded her trendsetting alterations.

Beau, 21, ripping apart the Louis Vuitton purse her ex gave her to create a waist-cinching corset.
A newly single woman named Beau recently went viral on TikTok for sharing footage of herself transforming an old Louis Vuitton bag from her ex into a stylish corset.
Jam Press/Beau Jackson

She shared footage of the modish remodel online to an audience of 3.6 million TikTok viewers. 

“I was really into corsets at the time, and after laying out the pattern and seeing that I had enough fabric, I knew I had found the perfect use for my old bag,” said Beau, who was “shocked” by the trending success of her transformation video. 

To create the recycled piece, the novice couturier used a seam ripper to remove the lining and disassemble the leather. She then cut the materials before re-stitching them together into a corset. 

“It took a lot of figuring out as I went along,” Beau told NeedToKnow, saying, however, “it honestly turned out better than I was expecting.”

Beau said the corset came out better than she expected.
Beau said that she was impressed with herself for creating the trendy top sans any previous experience working with the Louis Vuitton materials.
Jam Press/Beau Jackson

“I would definitely do a few things differently next time,” she continued, “such as matching up the pattern and perhaps using a different color for the bottom hem.”

Despite her critique, Beau was proud of the finished product. 

“It felt great to make something new out of something that had just been sitting in my wardrobe,” she said. “I was very pleased with how the corset turned out, especially as it was my first time working with that type of material.”

However, disapproving digital detractors were quick to weigh in with their unsupportive opinions on Beau’s body-hugging restyle. 

Beau was shocked by how well the bag-turned-corset turned out in the end.
Beau voiced her gratitude for online fans who applauded her trendsetting alterations.
Jam Press/Beau Jackson

“What a [f - - kin’] silly idea,” penned one critical commentator, in part. 

“Are you crazy?” questioned another cynic, followed by a separate yet equally stinging rebuke from another disparager reading, “Not the best idea.”

Another knocker wrote, “You could’ve sold the bag and made money.”

To that suggestion, Beau said in the comments of her TikTok post, “The bag was old AF, and that never full style is so overrated teens use it as a school bag.  [This] really was better this way.”

And cyber fans of her repurposed purse agreed. 

On average, the cost of a genuine Louis Vuitton bag can range between $400 to $36,000, depending mostly on its size and the materials used to create it.
On average, the cost of a genuine Louis Vuitton bag can range between $400 to $36,000, depending mostly on its size and the materials used to create it.

“So cute !!! F- – k everyone else’s opinion you look good,” cheered a supporter. 

“At [first] I was like, ‘WOAHH YOU KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE THOSE ARE!,’Then when you made it [into] a corset I was like: Oh…that’s actually very creative,” another exclaimed. 

“Wow these [negative] comments didn’t pass the vibe check…I love this so much though,” raved an additional ally. 

In response to the love of her edgy creation, Beau wrote: “Thank you [and] just wait till they see what I did to the prada bag.”

On TikTok, Beau suggested to a fan that she's also stylishly repurposed a separate luxury accessory.
On TikTok, Beau suggested to a fan that she has also stylishly repurposed a separate luxury accessory.
Jam Press/Beau Jackson

And when asked online how she upcycled the excess pieces of the pocketbook, Beau said, “I still have them. I used the liner [of] the bag as a liner for the corset and made a small purse/ bag out of the rest.”

Fans of Beau’s reimagined fashion flooded her comments with requests for her to repurpose their outdated junk into swanky threads as well. 

“I’ve had multiple people reach out wanting me to transform their old bags into unique custom pieces,” she told NeedToKnow. “I am working on producing more corsets out of bags.

“I would love to start making these corsets as a signature item for my shop,” Beau added, before noting both the cathartic and money-making benefits of her newfound hobby. 

“What started off as a fun healing project turned into a real opportunity for me and my business,” she said. “I’m really looking forward to exploring making garments out of bags.”