How my husband and I lost 200 lbs together — we’re closer than ever

It’s been a roller coaster ride for this couple.

An embarrassing incident at SeaWorld in Florida led a theme park-loving husband and wife to make a series of drastic lifestyle changes, SWNS reported.

“In 2017, I sat in a test seat ride for Mako at SeaWorld and unfortunately the bar to secure me in just wouldn’t go over my legs,” said Tracie Lord, 43, who at her heaviest was above 300 pounds.

”I tried to brush not fitting on a ride in Florida as just one of those things, but after coming home I felt sluggish and something just clicked,” the Wigan, England woman added.

Lord and her husband Steve said they were avid eaters of fast food at the time, with Tracie commonly consuming up to 3,000 calories per day.

A formerly overweight couple is celebrating their new healthy lifestyle.

But the SeaWorld incident stuck in her mind — in the end, it turned out to be the motivation for the couple, who have been together for 21 years, to seriously slim down..

Tracie dropped six dress sizes in an 18 month period, while Steve, inspired by his wife, shed dozens of pounds.

“After I lost [70 pounds], I think Steve realized that he could also do the same thing, if he too changed his diet,” she said.

“We’re each other’s biggest supporters, and whilst we have the days where we snack a little too much, we are there to encourage each other to get back on track.”

The two began eating better — Tracie began to eat eat sizeable portions of healthy food — and started exercising regularly.

The couple was embarrassed by not fitting on a roller coaster and sought to lose weight. Tracie Lord / SWNS

Tracie also began learning to cook healthy meals that mimicked some of their old favorite take-out foods like Chinese cuisine.

Even when tragedy struck in 2022 as Tracie was diagnosed with breast cancer, the married kin still moved forward with their health goals.

“I’m determined to keep the weight off,” she said, mentioning her “all clear” diagnosis from last October.

Now Tracie and Steve are celebrating their healthy ways.

It was around that time when the duo returned to SeaWorld to hop on the roller coaster as a symbol of their progress.

“It has been amazing going back this year and us both being able to enjoy our holiday without feeling really tired and hot all the time,” Tracie said.

“Me and Steve had such a solid relationship, and healthier eating has brought us even closer…something I didn’t think was possible.”