Hero stranger scales China building to save boy who fell

A heroic passerby with Spider-Man instincts was filmed casually scaling a Chinese building to rescue a young boy who fell out of a window.

The footage from Changzhou shows the young boy crying on a second-story ledge with a man looking out of the window he fell from another two floors up.

Suddenly, a casually dressed middle-aged man starts scaling a pipe to get up to the same level as the at-risk boy.

Video of heroic rescue of child who fell onto ledge.
The footage showed the man calmly scaling a pipe to the right of the child.

Video of heroic rescue of child who fell onto ledge.
He then hopped onto the ledge where the boy sat crying close to the edge.

Video of heroic rescue of child who fell onto ledge.
He was seen smiling as he picked up the boy as a man and women looked down from the window where he fell from.

Once there, he edges along a ledge — casually leaping across a gap to get to where the boy sits perilously close to the edge.

Smiling, the real-life hero picks up the youngster, tying a rope around him to help hoist him up to the window he fell from — again climbing up part of the way to make sure he got home safely.

Once the boy was hoisted safely inside, his rescuer dusted off his hands — then calmly hopped back over the ledge to climb back down the same pipe.

Video of heroic rescue of child who fell onto ledge.
He then tied a rope thrown down to him around the boy to help lift him back to safety.

Video of heroic rescue of child who fell onto ledge.
He again climbed up part of the building as he helped lift up the boy as he was hoisted.

Video of heroic rescue of child who fell onto ledge.
He remained there until the youngster was safely pulled back into the apartment above.

Video of heroic rescue of child who fell onto ledge.
Once done, he calmly hopped back and climbed back down the pipe.

He calmly strolled away, leaving no one sure who he is, according to the South China Morning Post, which said the boy only suffered a few scratches.