French soccer player banned for biting another player’s penis

A French soccer player has been banned from the sport for five years after biting an opponent’s penis so hard he needed 12 stitches, according to multiple reports.

A player with the amateur team AS Soetrich attacked his SC Terville opponent, who was attempting to break up a postgame fight that had started between the two teams last November. The altercation reportedly began in the locker room and spilled over to the parking lot, Fox News reported.

Both players remain unnamed for legal reasons.

A disciplinary committee in the Moselle region, where the incident occurred, banned the biter for five years — but also banned his victim until June for his own aggressive behavior and fined Soetrich 200 euros.

“Witness accounts, in particular, were gathered in order to retrace the facts as accurately as possible,” said official Emmanuel Saling in an ESPN translation from French publication Lorraine Actu. “All of that before returning the conclusions over to the disciplinary committee.”

The Terville side was also fined 200 euros and received a two-point deduction in the league.