Flight evacuated after teen messages photos of toy gun

What an airhead.

A US flight was forced to deplane after a teenager messaged passengers pictures of a toy gun while on the runway.

The plane was “delayed due to a security issue involving a customer on board,” a United Airlines spokesperson told The Independent of the incident.

United Airlines Flight 2167 from San Francisco to Orlando was preparing to take off on July 22 when several passengers claimed they received a photo of a realistic-looking airsoft gun from another passenger, NBC reported. The inappropriate pic had been sent via AirDrop, a service that allows people to transfer content wirelessly between Apple devices.

The alarming correspondence prompted officials to evacuate passengers from the plane “out of an abundance of caution,” whereupon they rescreened them and inspected the plane before allowing them to reboard, according to airport spokesman Doug Yakel. The flight had already been delayed several times prior to the stunt.

Authorities identified the culprit responsible for the irresponsible Airdrop: an unnamed teenage boy, who was subsequently kicked off the plane. Officials determined that the little hellion did not have the gun on him, and that the photo was taken at an earlier date outside the airport, per Yakel.

“Law enforcement officials were notified and our teams are working with them to review this matter,” the United Airlines spokesperson said.

This isn’t the first time a prank has prompted officials to remove passengers from a plane. A European flight had to be evacuated in 2019 after a Serbian man phoned in a fake bomb threat in a half-baked attempt to land a date with a flight attendant.