Fishing boat caught in massive shark feeding frenzy off Louisiana: video

It was de-fin-itely a fishing trip to remember.

Dillon May found his boat surrounded by dozens — if not hundreds — of sharks chaotically feeding on a massive bait ball off the coast of Venice, Louisiana.

Video of the feeding frenzy shows the sharks chasing down fish so frantically that they were slapping the sides of the boat and drenching the fishermen with ocean spray.

At one point, more than a dozen sharks gunned toward the boat as the bait ball — a close-packed conglomeration of small fish — tried to take refuge beneath it.

Sharks surround the boat.
The sharks surrounded the boat off the coast of Venice, Louisiana.
Dillon May via Storyful
Sharks surround the boat.
The sharks were hunting down a tuna bait ball.
Dillon May via Storyful

May told Storyful that he and his friends were hoping to catch some yellowfish tuna when the shiver exploded at the surface of the water.

They originally thought the commotion was a tuna boil, a term used to describe a feeding frenzy that makes the water appear to be boiling.

Hoping to catch the menhadens for themselves, the fishermen sailed directly toward the melee.

Sharks surround the boat.
The sharks used the boat to trap the tuna.
Dillon May via Storyful
Sharks surround the boat.
The fishermen were drenched by ocean spray.
Dillon May via Storyful

“Then we saw it was sharks on a bait pod, never seen anything like it,” May said. “No shrimp boats were in sight either!”

The sharks ended up using the boat to their advantage by pressing the tuna against it to eat, he said.