Doctors struggle to remove man’s penis ring —fire dept. called

Prince Harry isn’t the only one with penis problems.

An elderly man in China lost part of his privates after getting a metal ring stuck around the base of his member — a scenario so dire, doctors had to use a circular saw to remove the foreign object.

The 72-year-old from Changsa in central China slipped the ring on for sexual stimulation and left it there for six months before seeking medical attention because his only symptom was shame.

However, he finally went to the hospital after experiencing “intense pain” the previous day.

He had no pain while urinating.

Surgeons shared graphic photos of the unidentified man’s swollen nether regions in the Asian Journal of Surgery.

Initially, doctors tried to remove the ring with their surgical shearing tools, but when that failed, they called the fire department to borrow a heavy wire cutter that also didn’t work. Medics finally removed it using a circular saw that cuts through metal.

The tool created so much heat, the team had to constantly spray water on his penis to keep it cool.

Unfortunately, all was not cool when they finally freed his willy.

There was dead tissue at the root of his johnson, which was caused by a lack of blood flow. Doctors removed the offending bits, stitching up the wounds and making three inciscisons to place a “drainage strip” that would mitigate swelling.

He was prescribed antibiotics, and remained in the hospital for seven days. Two months after the ordeal, he was able to urinate, according to doctors.

“Penile strangulation can occur at any age and for a variety of reasons, such as sexual curiosity, masturbation or psychiatric disorder,” said the report.

Penis rings reduce blood flow through the veins, which causes the penis and testicles to swell. If the act goes wrong, doctors advise patients to seek emergency care.