Doctor had a sore throat that almost killed him

Dr. Haadi Shuaib, was an extemely fit 20-something who got a pesky sore throat. Less than a week later, he was in a coma.

Last March, Shuaib, now 30, had been working long hours at Northwell’s Staten Island University Hospital (SIUH) amid an Omicron surge. He came down with laryngitis that turned into severe strep-pneumonia at toxic shock syndrome.

On March, 18th, 2022, he decided he needed to go to the Emergency Department at his hospital, but he barely made it.

“It’s literally two blocks away from where I was, but I had to stop and catch my breath. I got this tunnel vision,” Shuaib, a highly active outdoorsman and traveler who is known to row 6 kilometers in his downtime, told The Post.

Dr. Haadi Shuaib was young and fit when a sore throat almost killed him.
Dr. Haadi Shuaib was young and fit when a sore throat almost killed him.

“Then I knew this was serious. This is not normal,” Shuaib added.

The next morning, Shuaib was ambulanced to Long Island Jewish Medical Center (LIJ) in New Hyde Park and put on ventilation.

Doctors tried hard to help him, but he wasn’t getting better.

Dr. Haadi Shuaib was beyond apprehensive to enter a medically induced coma.
Dr. Haadi Shuaib was beyond apprehensive to enter a medically induced coma.

“He was on maximum settings on the ventilator, he was on 100% oxygen and still, his oxygen levels were low and they were getting worse,” Dr. Mangala Nirasimhan, LIJ’s Acute Lung Injury program medical director, told The Post.

“There was really no more support that we could give with just a ventilator, so we knew that it was time to do something else.”

So, they turned to an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation machine (ECMO), which would pump blood out of his body and oxygenate it before flowing it back into him.

It was a last resort to keep Shuaib alive.

“Putting big tubes into your major blood vessels, We don’t do this unless we really think there’s no other option,” Nirasimhan said.

Being on ECMO required that Shuaib be intubated and put into a coma — at first he was vehemently set against it. (He was initially on a mechanical ventilator that did not require he be intubated.)

He was well aware there was a possibility he wouldn’t wake up.

The last thing Dr. Shuaib recalls are his friends holding his hands as he was put under.
The last thing Dr. Shuaib recalls are friends holding his hands as he was put under.

“I was forcing [the team] to give me back my phone to look up other options, I kept researching it and was trying to look up articles and case studies as my peripheral vision was going out from the illness,” Shuaib said

In the process, he’d yell for “more morphine!”

Ultimately, he accepted that the aggressive treatment was his only option.

“I told my co-workers if I didn’t come to in two weeks to pull the plug,” Shuaib said, noting that any longer would likely mean he would be put on life support for an extreme length of time.

Dr. Haadi Shuaib (middle) was cared for by colleagues Dr. Frank Rosell and Dr. Mangala Nirasimhan.
Dr. Haadi Shuaib (middle) was cared for by colleagues Dr. Frank Rosell and Dr. Mangala Nirasimhan.
Northwell Health

Dr. Haadi Shuaib connects with patients by showing them photos of his own medical ordeal.
Dr. Haadi Shuaib connects with patients by showing them photos of his own medical ordeal.

Shuaib’s parents were out of the country and couldn’t make it to the hospital in time to see him before he was put into a coma.

But, two old friends stood by his side as he was put under.

“The last thing I remember [before going under] was my friends holding my hands, one friend on one side and one on the other. Just completely surrounded by people who I know and trusted.”

Miraculously, Shuaib grew stronger each day.

After nine days, he was pulled off ECMO.

Three days later, he was removed from medical ventilation. He didn’t even know how long he had been out at first.

“I remember coming to this trauma of gagging on a tube and trying to communicate to people that I just want this tube out of me,” Shuaib recalled of his first memories out of the coma.

What exactly triggered the condition is still unknown to Shuiab’s colleagues and caretakers.

“It’s a fluke. We don’t know [what brought this on still]. It’s a great mystery,” said Dr. Frank Rosell, associate chair of cardiac surgery at SIUH.

Now healthy, Dr. Haadi Shuaib is using his experience to help patients undergoing similar medical issues.
Now healthy, Dr. Haadi Shuaib is using his experience to help patients undergoing similar medical issues.
Courtesy Haadi Shuaib, MD

Dr. Haadi Shuaib is looking to pay it forward after narrowly escaping death.
Dr. Haadi Shuaib is looking to pay it forward after narrowly escaping death.

He added that Shuaib’s high fitness level ended up being the gamechanger in terms of his survival.

“He has the heart of an olympic athlete. A very strong heart…that was a very useful function that we had to rely on. I think it made all the difference.”

After being told by his care team that PTSD and depression were very real possibilities in wake of the coma, Shuiab was determined to back working a month later — something Nirasimhan said is a marvel within itself.

The harrowing ordeal has made him a better doctor, Shuiab believes.

“Just being able to tell [patients and families] that I went through that as well, it makes a world of difference for them.” he said.

“It really does.”