Daredevil crosses ‘most dangerous’ bridge in the world

Some things just can’t be taut.

Rama Jutgla, 24, who is known online as Ramilla de Aventura, recently shared a video of himself crossing the “most dangerous” bridge in the world, in the northern Pakistani region of Hunza.

In the 55-second clip, Jutgla can be seen walking across the Hussaini Suspension Bridge above the 6,500-foot-wide Borith Lake.

The swaying bridge is constructed with rope, and it has huge gaps between its wooden planks. One plank was even falling off.

“It’s a bridge that few tourists dare to cross, but that many locals have to use every day to get home,” Jutgla, who was born in Scotland and raised in Granada, Spain, told Jam Press.

This travel influencer crossed the “most dangerous” bridge in the world.
Jam Press Vid/@ramilladeaventura
Rama Jutgla can be seen walking across the Hussaini Suspension Bridge in the northern Pakistani region of Hunza.
Jam Press Vid/@ramilladeaventura
The bridge boasts far-apart wooden planks.
Jam Press Vid/@ramilladeaventura

It is reminiscent of the rickety footbridge Indiana Jones has to cross in the Temple of Doom.

“This one moves a lot. I don’t want to do anything stupid. I always need to support myself on top of one of these iron supports,” Jutgla said in the video, according to Jam Press’ translation.

A tourist died last summer while crossing the scary bridge, a Pakistani news outlet reported.

Luckily, Jutgla — who has over 500,000 followers between his YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram pages — was able to make it to the other side, revealing a gorgeous view of picturesque mountaintops.

As Jutgla crossed the bridge, there were picturesque sights.
Jam Press Vid/@ramilladeaventura

In the clip, Jutgla explained that the bridge was made for locals, claiming “it is the only form of communication they have.”

According to Atlas Obscura, the Gilgit-Baltistan area of northern Pakistan is a remote mountainous region.

In 1978, a highway was formed to connect it to the rest of Pakistan, but the area is still difficult to traverse.

Jutgla’s video has already received over 93,000 views on TikTok — and many comments from nervous social media users.

He documented the climb on his TikTok page.
Jam Press Vid/@ramilladeaventura
His journey drew concern from social media users.
Jam Press Vid/@ramilladeaventura

“If I saw this, knowing what I’m like with heights, I’d be paralyzed,” one person shared.

Another agreed, saying that the bridge looked like something out of a video game.

“It looks like one of the Crash Bandicoot levels hahaha,” the person wrote.

A third commenter noted, “Reminds me of shrek’s bridge.”