Cheap seats ‘lower’ sex drive

If you want to join the mile high club you better pay homage to Jack Harlow and fly first class.

Nearly 73% of American adults plan to travel this summer, but be warned. Flying too much with cheap tickets can ruin your sex drive.

Dr. Florence Comite is warning travelers that flying economy too often might cool things off in the bedroom.

The Brooklyn-based endocrinologist, who graduated from Yale, recommends that people think twice about the impact their travel habits have on their health.

In a video, Comite explains the link between anxiety, claustrophobia and the lack of space and how this can deplete someone’s libido — especially if they’re sitting in cheap and cramped economy seats.

“Getting on a plane in anticipation lowers your sex drive because it’s anxiety-provoking, we don’t know what’s going to happen and it’s a tight space,” Comite, who is the founder of Groq Health, told Jam Press.

Couple walking off a plane
An endocrinologist is warning that flying in cheap seats too often can negatively affect your sex drive.
Getty Images

“It drives your flight-and-fight mechanism. So hormones that go up in the brain like norepinephrine and epinephrine will lower testosterone and that will immediately have an effect on libido and even sexual function.”

Comite — and most people — suggest that business or first class is a better option. It’s the doctor’s orders.

“When you can travel in a more spacious place, when you can get a drink before the plane takes off, going into business class will totally improve it over coach [economy],” she claimed.

“It will relax your mind, you will be more comfortable, therefore you’re not going to take a hard hit to your brain.”

Mental health struggles and stress can drastically impact your testosterone. Testosterone is one of the hormones that stimulates a person’s sex drive. Low levels can cause low libido, along with other symptoms.

“Testosterone really is the weakest link; once we’re overwhelmed, once we don’t have enough sleep, jet lag, that is all going to affect the way we think. Business class, first class, will make it better,” Comite claimed.

Comite recommended taking precautions to sustain your health and sex drive as you get ready to fly this summer. She suggested making sure all your urgent tasks are completed — so you’re not stressing — and make sure you’re well-rested.

Getting between six to eight hours of sleep before a flight is another way to avoid stress during cheap but painful red eye flights.

 “Also, meditating turns off the genes that lead to increases in the hormones,” the doctor said. “By decreasing some, you are keeping testosterone where you should be. And it’s a great way to make you travel better and feel better.”