Boy hears dad’s voice for the first time after getting hearing aids

An emotional video captures the touching moment a little boy hears his dad for the first time.

In the 38-second video, shared by SWNS, a medical specialist can be seen fitting the boy for hearing aids while his parents look on in anticipation.

As the devices are snapped into place, the dad says, “Hola, Evan” — and Evan immediately looks up at him.

Evan starts to smile as his dad asks in Spanish, “What’s going on?”

“You can hear, my love!” Evan’s mom exclaims. “Can you hear Daddy?

The moment the hearing aids are snapped into place, the dad says "Hi, Evan" in Spanish -- and Evan immediately looks up at him.
The moment the hearing aids are snapped into place, the dad says, “Hi, Evan,” in Spanish — and Evan immediately looks up at him.

Wearing a winking Mickey Mouse shirt, Evan flashes a huge smile and gives his parents a thumbs-up to let them know he can hear them.

As his parents express their love and happiness, Evan gets excited and cries while hugging his father.

These clips often move people to tears. In a video from 2019, a hearing-impaired baby was purely ecstatic to hear her older sister’s voice clearly for the first time.

Another video showed a 1-year-old Texas girl experiencing sound for the first time, following a four-hour surgery to place cochlear devices in both of her ears.

And one dad filmed the tear-jerking transformation in his young daughter after he turned on her hearing aids. She instantly began squealing and laughing at the sound of her mother’s voice.

As his parents start expressing their love and happiness, Evan gets excited and starts to cry as his hugs his father after hearing his voice for the first time.
As his parents share their love and happiness, Evan gets excited and cry-hugs his father.

Two to three out of every 1,000 children born in the US have a detectable level of hearing loss in one or both ears, according to government data.

For children with hearing loss, getting hearing aids at an early age can help with the development of communication and social skills, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association notes.