Twitter asks federal court to throw out lawsuit over employee layoffs

Twitter urged a California federal court to throw out a lawsuit filed by more than 100 former employees over the “mass layoffs” Elon Musk implemented after he took over the social media giant.

Twitter’s attorneys argued that the employees bringing the potential class-action suit don’t have enough in common for the case to be classified as a class action. The attorneys also argued in the Dec. 23 court filing that the complaints made are “vague, imprecise” allegations.

“Plaintiffs do not even attempt to define a class, making only passing reference to ‘thousands of other Twitter employees,’ or ‘other similarly situated Twitter employees,’” an attorney for Twitter told the court.

The group bringing the suit includes employees who have already been laid off and others who won’t be terminated until January or February.

Twitter’s lawyers want the case thrown out or moved to a Delaware court, which is handling disputes relating to Musk’s $44 billion takeover of the platform.

Shannon Liss-Riordan, a lawyer representing employees, said she remains “confident in our claims,” according to Insider.

“We call on Elon Musk to show some holiday spirit and honor the law and promises made to Twitter employees,” she added. “If not, we are ready to take him on in 2023,” Liss-Riordan told Insider.