I ruined my wife’s wedding dress with a champagne shower

Party foul!

An overenthusiastic groom came under fire after opening a magnum of champagne and bathing his blushing bride in a seemingly unexpected barrage of bubbly — an act that many critics felt ruined an otherwise gorgeous wedding.

Onlookers at the celebration of love, held at an exclusive resort on Italy’s Lake Como, shouted in horror as the woman’s wedding dress quickly became soaked as she turned away to minimize damage, spitting the shock sparkles from her mouth.

The internet went out of control when a bride got drenched in champagne from her husband.
Armchair critics had a field day after images of a groom bathing his bride in champagne at an otherwise stylish wedding in Italy were circulated. Cole Hennessey /Instagram

Cole Hennessy and Kristal Kim of Houston, Texas, were wed at the lavish Relais Villa Regina Teodolinda on the gorgeous coastline, according to the Daily Mail. The venue costs up to $227,000 to buy out, the outlet reported.

Critics quickly chimed in to say that the act was in stark opposition to the level of class the event had exuded up to that sticky moment.

“The rage I feel for her,” one commented on a repost of the video — the original has since been taken down.

“He watched her spend months stressing out to find her dream dress, hair, makeup, cake, etc. and STILL did it,” added another.

Meanwhile, another irate lady said, “our honeymoon would be at the courthouse.”

It is crucial to note, however, that although the internet — and guests — were shocked and awed, Kim was smiling ear to ear throughout the champagne bath.

A small piece of the clip, before the bottle was tilted to the bride, even made it into a family recap video of the night.

“She looks happy and [doesn’t] seem to mind,” another commenter suggested.

The husband laughed off the incident.
The husband laughed off the incident. Cole Hennessey /Instagram

Being the gentleman that he was, Hennessy let his lady return the favor and spray him back.

Deflecting jeers from the armchair bridesmaids, he joked in a since-taken-down post that he was “canceled” for “having fun” with his new wife.

Still, it is, perhaps for reasons like this, that websites offer wedding champagne spray tutorials.

“Aim the champagne on grass and keep a wet towel handy,” warned one how-to guide.

“Champagne is super sticky and if you’re at a wedding venue, the owners might not appreciate a sticky puddle of sparkly on their pavement.”