I have cancer, lost my hair from chemo — and was made fun of in a Zoom job interview

A cancer patient revealed last week that a potential employer reportedly made fun of her head cap after apparently forgetting to end the Zoom call.

Krystal Garmon — who has been treated for cancer twice, once in 2013 for kidney cancer and then again in 2017 for cervical — made the allegation through a LinkedIn post that detailed her horrible experience.

According to Garmon, the interview took place at the end of last month, and she initially thought the interview had gone well and the employees seemed “nice”

“Today, I had an interview with a company that did not end their zoom meeting before they began to talk with each other,” said Garmon, who didn’t reveal the company with whom she interviewed.

She then detailed comments that were made.

“She had a head cap on, did she know she was in an interview?” she recalled someone saying. “She would look more professional if she showed her hair. I can’t tell what color her hair is.”

Garmon then shared her reaction to what she heard.

“Do you know my hair is uneven? Do you know I have bald spots? Do you know I am embarrassed to show anyone what I’ve gone through? Do you know my hair looks less professional if I don’t wear a head cap?” she said.

According to Garmon, her hair has not grown back properly due to the treatment she had been undergoing, with only her husband, immediate family and doctors seeing her without the head cap.

“Cheers to the unkind folks out there,” continued Garmon’s post. “You are helping us kind folks realize how important we are to others and how important our purpose remains.”

According to Garmon, her hair had not grown back properly due to the treatment she had been undergoing with only "my husband, my immediate family, and my doctors" seeing her without the head cap.
Garmon revealed that her hair has not grown back properly due to the treatment she underwent.
Getty Images

“Today is the last day I will wear anything to hide my history. I will wear my history with appreciation,” she declared. “My pride is hurt but I learned a valuable lesson in self-love today.”

The Post has reached out to Garmon for further comment.

Her post has received an outpouring of sympathy and support.

“You are an incredible inspiration for your strength. The situation was and [sic] example of the incredibly disgusting part of the human race,” commented one user. “It is useful to know these are the kinds of people you could have been working with.”

“I’ve had a CEO write FAT on my resume when I was 25,” revealed another user. “I’ve overheard executives handing me off during back-to-back interviews call me crazy in my late 20s. Out loud, in earshot. F–k them. I’d write the most scathing letter to HR calling them out. I bet interviews are recorded. You are awesome.”

“I am so sorry to hear this….if they said those things, you do not want that job! Good things are coming. Sending prayers your way,” a third person chimed in.

One person called the behavior “beyond unacceptable” and even offered to share her resume within his own company.

Garmon said in the comments that she has not contacted the company where the interview occurred about the insult, as she does not want to affect her potential employment.

She revealed that she doesn’t blame the company and that the interviewers were just “s–tty” people who do not represent the company as a whole. Garmon also thanked other LinkedIn users for their support and suggested she wanted her reveal to be beneficial to others.

“I was at my most vulnerable and if my journey helped one person, then thank you for allowing me to help you,” she said in a comment.