Ukrainian pilots begin training on F-16 fighter jets

Ukrainian pilots began training on the highly sought-after F-16 fighter jets — just days after the US approved sending the aircraft from Denmark and the Netherlands to help Ukraine in its war with Russia.

Ukraine’s Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov told Ukrainian media on Saturday that both pilots and Ukrainian engineers have started training on the aircraft.

“Training (on F-16) has begun,” Reznikov said, later adding that “a minimal term of training is six months,” according to CNN, which cited Ukrainian media.

Officials intend to remain tight-lipped about the training, according to Reznikov, who said instructors will only share updates when the engineers and technicians have mastered their new skills.

In addition to learning how to use the F-16, which will help Ukraine counter Russian air power, trainees will get English-language training in technical terminology because “the basic level of English language is not enough.”

fighter jet is pictured
Ukrainian pilots began training on the highly sought-after F-16 fighter jets, officials said Saturday.

On Friday, the US approved sending F-16 instructional materials from Denmark to Ukraine and committed to approving the transfer of the jets as soon as training is complete.

The program received support from a coalition of 11 NATO countries — but required an official go-ahead from Washington because the jets are American technology.

Denmark and the Netherlands have taken the lead on preparing Ukrainian pilots to use the American fighter jet, but the US is still working to see if other countries may lend F-16s to the Ukrainian Air Force.

F-16 fighter jets are pictured
Ukraine’s Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov told Ukrainian media on Saturday that both pilots and Ukrainian engineers have started their training on the aircraft.

“We welcome Washington’s decision to pave the way for sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine,” Dutch Foreign Minister Wopke Hoekstra wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.

“Now, we will further discuss the subject with our European partners.”

Denmark also said it will now discuss providing Ukraine with the jets.

Ukraine's president Volodymyr is pictured in a fighter jet
Training on the aircraft will last at least six months, officials said.
Ukrainian Presidential Press Off/UPI/Shutterstock

“The government has said several times that a donation is a natural next step after training. We are discussing it with close allies, and I expect we will soon be able to be more concrete about that,” Danish defence minister Jakob Ellemann-Jensen said Friday.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said in May the Netherlands was also considering providing Ukraine with F-16s. The Netherlands currently has 24 operational F-16s, which they plan to phase out of their armed forces by mid-2024.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken sent letters to his Danish and Dutch counterparts reassuring them the transfers would be approved.

Ukraine's president Zelensky is seen with the armed forces by a fighter jet
Trainees will also receive English-language training to ensure they are ready to use the jets.
Ukrainian Presidential Press Off/UPI/Shutterstock

“I am writing to express the United States’ full support for both the transfer of F-16 fighter aircraft to Ukraine and for the training of Ukrainian pilots by qualified F-16 instructors,” Blinken wrote, according to Reuters, which obtained a copy of the letter.

Blinken added, “It remains critical that Ukraine is able to defend itself against ongoing Russian aggression and violation of its sovereignty.”

The additional jets would allow Ukraine to take “full advantage of its new capabilities as soon as the first set of pilots completes their training,” he also wrote.

Zelensky is pictured speaking to armed forces in front of a fighter jet
he program received support from a coalition of 11 NATO countries but required an official go-ahead from Washington because the jets are American technology.
Ukrainian Presidential Press Off/UPI/Shutterstock

US President Joe Biden has also previously shown support for the training programs for Ukrainian pilots.

With Post wires