‘Get rid of your fat friends’: backlash for beauty influencer

This mean girl on social media puts a weight limit on her friendship scale.

Karmalita Fox, who goes by @karmalitafox on TikTok, is fielding backlash for her recent fatphobic comments in a viral video with more than 757,000 views.

In the 32-second clip, Fox shares her advice on pretty privilege: “If you wanna be skinny, get rid of your fat friends. If you wanna be pretty, get rid of your ugly friends.

“You shouldn’t be friends with people based off their levels of attractiveness, it should be more about relatability,” she explained.

But “relatability” has it’s limitations, Fox continued. “How the hell you gonna relate to the girl that’s crying in the corner complaining about her looks when you’re sitting here looking like a snack?”

Fox captioned the superficial video, “Law of proximity, surround yourself with people you want to be like so their influence can rub off on you.”

Karmalita Fox, who goes by @karmalitafox on TikTok
Karmalita Fox believes people should avoid being friends with fat people if they don’t want to become plus sized.

Karmalita Fox, who goes by @karmalitafox on TikTok
Fox encourages her followers to surround themselves with people who have the body they aspire to have.

She goes on to describe what happens to people who “start hanging out with [their] fat friends too much.”

“It’s gonna be normalized to go and get Taco Bell at 2 a.m. in the morning,” Fox said, citing the next-day digestive discomforts wrought by the late-night high-fat meal — as opposed to a “skinny” friend who is “eating sleep for dinner.”

Many viewers were outraged by Fox’s superficial approach to friendship.

“With this theory, you must not be friends with anyone kind,” declared one critic. Asked another perturbed watcher, “I prefer being friends with genuinely nice, kind and smart people — why are we normalizing being friends for shallow reasons?!”

One viewer cast doubt on Fox’s theory: “My skinny friend eats more than me and I’m the fat friend 🤔.”

“If you wanna be skinny, get rid of your fat friends. If you wanna be pretty, get rid of your ugly friends,” Fox said in the viral video.

She gives examples of what can happen if you hang out with fat friends too often.

In a follow-up video, Fox addressed the blowback: “Y’all are so mad at me because I’m quote on quote fat phobic but y’all secretly love it because I’m the only one out here telling you the truth. The world is fatphobic, your fat is holding you back from mainstream success don’t let these manipulative, fake woke, insecure people lie to you.”

The lifestyle influencer has since ostensibly dedicated her TikTok account to fatphobic content, using dark humor to encourage others to live a healthier lifestyle.

Fans of Fox admire her brutal honesty and credit her for their personal fitness journeys.

“Every time I don’t want to workout I play your videos 😭,” one gushed, adding, “We all need the tough love.”

Praised another, “I was gonna eat a ton of pizza today and then chose a healthy sandwich instead cause of you.”

Fox replied, “Proud of you!! Health is wealth.”