8 home remedies to help cure yourconstipation

The struggle (to go) is real.

Few conditions are as uncomfortable — or as uncomfortable to talk about — as constipation.

But as we celebrate Constipation Awareness Month (yes, it actually exists), it’s time for some facts — this is a disorder that affects up to a whopping 20% of US adults, some of them chronically.

“Most people have experienced the inconvenience of having constipation at some point in their life,” Ceciel T. Rooker, president of the International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders, said in a news release.

“For a person who lives with chronic constipation, it can be extremely debilitating and life-altering,” Rooker added.

What is constipation?

Constipation is a problem with passing stool. People generally poop from three times a week up to once or twice daily, according to the Mayo Clinic — and being “regular” means something different to everyone.

Some studies have found that sparkling water is more effective than tap water at relieving constipation. Getty Images

Occasional constipation is fairly common, and it can be caused by any number of factors, including:

  • Dehydration
  • Lack of dietary fiber
  • Certain medications, such as opioid painkillers, antacids, antihistamines or antidepressants
  • Lack of exercise

Constipation can also result from problems with the muscles that form the pelvic floor at the bottom of your torso, or from any kind of blockage in the colon or rectum.

Health conditions such as pregnancy, multiple sclerosis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Parkinson’s disease, an overactive thyroid or diabetes can also be linked to chronic constipation.

But regardless of the cause, when you’re as backed up as the Holland Tunnel, the following eight suggestions — all are simple, inexpensive home remedies — might help get things moving again:

Drink sparkling water

Many people spend their days in a state of mild dehydration, and while any water can help, some studies have found that sparkling water or seltzer is more effective than tap water at relieving constipation.

A few caveats: People with IBS report that carbonated or sparkling drinks can worsen their symptoms, so they might be better off drinking uncarbonated water.

And drinking carbonated sugary sodas might also make constipation worse, in addition to the overall negative health effects from added sugar and artificial sweeteners.

Have a java

Coffee, tea and other caffeinated drinks have a stimulating effect on your nervous system as well as your gut, which can bring relief when constipated.

Caffeinated coffee can stimulate the gut 60% more than drinking water, according to Medical News Today, and 23% more than decaffeinated coffee.

But you might want to try your coffee black: Dairy or lactose intolerance can cause constipation in some people.

Coffee has a stimulating effect on your nervous system as well as your gut, which can bring relief when constipated. Getty Images/iStockphoto

Add fiber to your diet

Fiber increases the bulk and the consistency of bowel movements, making them easier to pass. Fiber also helps stool move more quickly, which prevents them from drying out as they move through your intestines.

A 2016 review found that 77% of people with chronic constipation benefited from fiber supplements. But not all fiber is the same.

Insoluble fibers in vegetables and whole grains add bulk to stools and may help them pass more quickly and easily through the digestive system.

Soluble fibers — found in oat bran, barley, nuts, seeds and beans — absorb water and form a gel-like paste, which softens the stools.

And non-fermentable soluble fibers like psyllium may be the best choice for treating constipation. One study from 2020 found psyllium to be over three times more effective than insoluble wheat bran for constipation.

Insoluble fibers in vegetables and whole grains can ease constipation. Adobe Stock

Try senna

Senna — the fruit or leaf of the senna plant — is an over-the-counter laxative that’s used to treat constipation and to clear the bowel before procedures such as colonoscopy, according to WebMD.

Senna is approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the short-term treatment of constipation. The plant contains chemicals called sennosides, which irritate the lining of the gut and cause a laxative effect.

Herbal treatments containing senna are easily purchased online or at most drug stores.

Eat probiotic foods

Probiotics are live, beneficial bacteria such as Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus that naturally occur in the gut. These organisms can help prevent chronic constipation.

People with chronic constipation may have an imbalance of bacteria in their gut, so consuming more probiotic foods could help improve this balance and ease constipation.

Foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut, kefir and kimchi contain probiotic bacteria, which can also be found in many supplements.

Prunes and plums contain sorbitol, a sugar alcohol that has a proven laxative effect. Getty Images

Have some prunes

All fruits have some fiber and can help with constipation, but prunes and plums have a little something extra.

Prunes and plums contain sorbitol, a sugar alcohol that has a proven laxative effect. In fact, some studies have found that prunes may be more effective than fiber supplements such as psyllium.

The ideal dosage may be around 50 grams, or roughly seven medium-sized prunes, twice per day, according to one study comparing prunes to psyllium.

Use a laxative

Over-the-counter laxatives fall into different categories — such as stool softeners, bulking agents or stimulant laxatives — but almost all will work.

Doctors warn, however, that these are only intended for occasional use, and they may be habit-forming if used regularly, according to Cornell Health.

Exercise more

When all else fails, some people have found constipation relief when they get off their butts and move around.

Countless studies have linked sedentary lifestyles with an increased risk of constipation, so many health care experts recommend increasing exercise to get the stool moving.

Light exercise, such as walking or swimming, might be more beneficial at relieving constipation than vigorous exercises like running.