37-year-old single influencer sick of waiting for the ‘perfect partner’ enjoys solo honeymoon

Love thyself.

An Influencer who was fed up being single decided to take herself on a “solo honeymoon” and vowed to stop depending on men to make her happy.

Brittany Allyn revealed that in 2022 she traveled to London and froze her eggs before booking her dream vacation in France and Italy, reports Jam Press.

Since then, Allyn has been living her best single life.

“I think everyone has days where they’re like, I want that, the deep romance – but mostly I don’t feel pressure to get married,” said Allyn in a Youtube video. ” I heard this quote once that if you got married at 50, to the love of your life, you could be with this person for 30 years.”

“My longest relationship was around five years and that felt like forever, so 30 years to be with the love of your life makes me so happy, I’m not in a rush,” continued the influencer.

According to Allyn, her outlook on life comes from her parents.

“I had really supportive parents, realists and they’re just like, ‘Britt, we want you to experience everything in life to have so much fun’,” said Allyn.

Brittany Allyn revealed that in 2022 she traveled to London and froze her eggs before booking her dream vacation in France and Italy, reports Jam Press.
Brittany Allyn revealed that in 2022 she traveled to London and froze her eggs before booking her dream vacation in France and Italy, reports Jam Press.
Jam Press/@thirtywaves

Allyn said that her parents told her “Marriage is amazing. Kids are amazing, but it’s not this perfect solution and it’s really hard, not everyone gets a perfect marriage or, you know, perfect children.”

According to the influencer, her parents encouraged her to live her life to the fullest.

Despite loving her life, the Seattle native is not above worrying over societal pressures.

“My 20-year-old self was completely different, I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom,” confessed Allyn. “I was in love with a guy that I knew from high school and I thought that ‘we are going to live in the same town and get married and have kids by 27 or 30’, and I would have some passion projects on the side.”

“But I was just going to be a mom and never leave Seattle but at 25, we broke up and I have gone in a completely different direction,” continued Allyn. “I think she would be in awe and also think it’s quite cool that what she thought was true in life was actually the opposite – anything that you think is going to happen probably won’t really happen.”

"I think everyone has days where they’re like, I want that, the deep romance – but mostly I don’t feel pressure to get married," said Allyn in a Youtube video. " I heard this quote once that if you got married at 50, to the love of your life, you could be with this person for 30 years."
“I think everyone has days where they’re like, I want that, the deep romance – but mostly I don’t feel pressure to get married,” said Allyn in a Youtube video. ” I heard this quote once that if you got married at 50, to the love of your life, you could be with this person for 30 years.”
Jam Press/@thirtywaves

Since the breakup, Allyn realized a honeymoon shouldn’t be confined to married couples.

“There are so many places I wanted to go, but I was waiting for that perfect partner, the perfect relationship,” said Allyn. “South of France, was one of them, and Venice, Italy, going on a gondola ride, going on an African safari, now that I am in my mid to late thirties, I’m like, wait, why am I waiting?”

Since going on her travels, Allyn has posted her journey on social media and served as a source of empowerment to other single women.

“People really loved that content, I think I’ve probably had a thousand messages of women planning their own me-moons,” gushed Allyn. “It’s been really cool to know that’s inspired women to solo travel, and I would say you’re not going to regret it.”

According to the influencer, her parents encouraged her to live her life to the fullest.
According to the influencer, her parents encouraged her to live her life to the fullest.
Jam Press/@thirtywaves

“It’s such an empowering feeling to know I was brave, I did this when I’m doing something for myself, you know, I’m an interesting person that wants to explore the world,” continued Allyn. “When you’re on it’s less scary – I’ve made some videos to hopefully help women go through all the nuances of solo travel, like dining alone.”

Even though Allyn has a positive outlook on things, her video has come under fire from several internet trolls.

“It’s always just random men that are trolls and I’m like, if it’s not clear, like this page is not for you so please leave,” stated Allyn. “I am not asking you to be part of this conversation, but it’s always misogynistic, insecure men that make comments.”

For the most part, Allyn says her page is a positive place.

According to Allyn, she has put dreams of being a mom on hold for the moment and chosen to travel the world.

“Egg freezing in America is insanely expensive and only really big tech companies or big corporations usually cover it,” explained Allyn. “Otherwise it can be around $18,000 and so I couldn’t afford that.”

Allyn revealed that the first time she tried to freeze her eggs, the medicine didn’t work and she eventually had to stop taking it but it that hasn’t deterred her.

“My body just wasn’t picking up the medicine correctly, my follicles were not growing, so after eight days, I had to stop,” said the influencer. “Hopefully this spring and probably next fall too I’ll try freezing again and so once I do that, I think I’m really going to have a lot of peace of mind.”

Allyn said that while her “me-moon” worked for her, she is aware that there is no “one size fits all” route.

“Now that I’m 37, I’ve seen a lot of women go on different paths and one is not better than the other, you’re not instantly happy if you’re married, you’re not instantly happy if you’re a mother,” said Allyn. “”In some ways, I think being more independent and single is easier.”

“I can just scroll in bed in the morning, I can look up flights next week if I want to go somewhere, the world is my oyster right now,” said Allyn. “I definitely have real pressures but one life is not better than another, I think you just have to realize that your life is unique and you have to accept that.”